
昭和猥褻官能ドラマ 優しい百姓のおばさんに下働きの甥はビンビンになってしまい… 地主のハイカラ奥さんは電気屋の親父に無理やり… 昭和猥褻官能ドラマ 優しい百姓のおばさんに下働きの甥はビンビンになってしまい… 地主のハイカラ奥さんは電気屋の親父に無理やり…






1年前から百姓の手伝いをしてきた甥がおばの家を訪ねて来て「百姓を辞める」と言って きた。そして彼がとった異常な行動とは…。「もう少し我慢して百姓続けたらどう?石の上にも3年って言うでしょう」「ダメなんです、おばさんのことが好きになってしまって…」庭先で突然抱きつき、しつこく体をまさぐると、「そんなとこ触ったら漏れちゃう…」「もう何もしないから小便するとこ見せて」しかし、大量に立ちションした後、甥はビンビンの巨根をおばさんのマンコに…。清純なおばさんは突きまくられ、牝熟女に…。 夫に新品の冷蔵庫を頼まれて届けに来た電気屋。それはどう見ても中古品であり、訳を問いただす奥さんに真実を話した電気屋は突然…。「旦那は若い女と暮らしてるよ、アンタはこの冷蔵庫と同じで中古扱いなんだよ」と、無理やり脱がし体を視姦する男。「いけません、やめてください!」「ハイカラな服着てるわりには肛門汗臭いじゃねーか」「もう許してください…」嫌がる奥さんのワレメに電気屋の下品な肉棒が…。「お願い、もうダメ、あっ、出ちゃう、出ちゃうー!」何度も小便吹き出しながら絶叫する奥さん。二話収録


Showa’s obscene drama The nephew who worked down to the aunt of a gentle peasant who is kind to the peasant is Bing … The landowner’s high color wife is forced to the father of the electrician …

A nephew, who has been helping a peasant a year ago, visited his aunt’s house and said, “I quit the peasant."And what is the unusual action he took?"Why don’t you put up a little more and continue the peasant? It would be three years on the stone." “It’s no good, I like my aunt …" Suddenly hugging in the garden and persistent., “If you touch it, it will leak …" “I will show you a piss because I will not do anything anymore." However, after standing in large quantities, my nephew becomes Bing Bing’s cock into my aunt’s pussy.The innocent aunt is pierced and a female mature woman …An electronics store that my husband asked for a new refrigerator to deliver.It is a second -hand article, and there is a sudden electronics store that talked to his wife who asked his wife."My husband lives with a young woman, you are treated as used as this refrigerator," said a man who forcibly take off his body."Don’t do it, please stop!" “Isn’t it an anus sweaty for you to wear high -colored clothes?" “Please forgive me …""Please, no, no, oh, come out, come out!"Including episode 2
