しほりさん 43歳 専業主婦 資産家の娘で、旦那は有名企業勤め 顔立ちや身のこなしから上流階級を感じます。 夫婦仲は円満らしいですが半年ほど前からホストにハマり、 今ではマゾ調教を受けてるそうです。 丁寧に手入れされた白い肌はしっとりと柔らかく 肉付きの良いお尻は快感のたびにブルブルと震え、いやらしいです。 気品のある見た目とは裏腹に、 人が変わったような激しいイキっぷりでした。 終わらない絶頂に苦しみながらも悦ぶ表情は艶めかしく あまりの快楽に、途中何度も崩れ落ちていました。 息も絶え絶えになりながら、肉棒を求め腰が止まらない姿は生唾モノです。
[Individual] Neat -based de M Beautiful Wife 43 -year -old’s back face flows out.Gonzo that collapses the pussy with a raw fucking demon piston by betraying a securities man’s husband
Shihori is a 43 -year -old housewife wealthy daughter, and her husband feels the upper class from a famous company’s work and a manner.She seems to have a couple’s friendship, but she has been hooked on the host for about six months and is now being trained.The carefully maintained white skin is moist, soft and fleshy, trembles with pleasure and is nasty.Contrary to the elegant appearance, it was intense, as if a person had changed.The expression that was pleased while suffering from the endless climax was glossy and so much pleasure, collapsed many times on the way.While breathing is constant, the appearance of the cock and the whose waist does not stop is raw saliva.