
初撮り人妻ドキュメント 成島さとみ 三十歳






成島さとみさん30歳。物流会社で事務として働く一児の母。160センチオーバーの均整の取れたスタイルに和装が似合いそうな古風で凛とした佇まい。このいかにも貞淑そうな美人奥様、出産を経た今でも男性社員たちの人気を集めているらしいがなんと彼女には意外すぎる裏の顔が・・・「実は結婚前、上司との不倫にハマっていたんです」若さゆえの過ちで禁断の果実に手を出してしまったさとみさん。今でもあの刺激と背徳感が忘れられず、ついに結婚3年目のご主人を裏切り今回の出演を決意した。「主人は育児にも協力してくれるし生真面目で穏やかな人なんです。時々自分が女だということを忘れそうになるぐらいに・・・」夫との週1セックスでは感じることのできない蜜の味を心ゆくまで味わって頂きます。 / 初撮り人妻ドキュメント 成島さとみ 三十歳


First Shooting Married Woman Document Satomi Narushima 30 years old

Satomi Narushima is 30 years old.She is a mother of one child working as an office work at a logistics company.An old -fashioned and dignified appearance that looks good on the style with a well -balanced style of 160 cm over.It seems that this very chaste -like beautiful wife is still gaining popularity of male employees even after giving birth, but she has a surprising back face …"Satomi -san, who has reached out for the forbidden fruit due to his youth.Even now, that stimuli and immorality have not been forgotten, and finally betrayed her husband in her third year of marriage and decided to appear."My husband is also a serious and calm person who cooperates with childcare and is a serious and calm person. Sometimes I try to forget that I am a woman …"You will taste the taste of the heart./ First Shooting Married Woman Document Satomi Narushima 30 years old
