








“#大学生#20歳#明るめ#下ネタ好き#好奇心#青春感# 友達タイプの青春感溢れる20歳。 絶妙なイジられキャラ感もあり、会話の距離感が心地よいです。 そして、顔が可愛い。 シレっと全方位にモテるタイプです。 お酒は弱いけど、わりと飲んでしまいヤラかしている模様。 彼氏は長いこと居ないとのことですが、ヤることはヤっている模様。 まさに20歳の模範的なシンボル! 女の一生に一度は来るといわれる性に能動的なタイミングです、なう! 美少女×性の好奇心&酒は弱いけど好き。 この惑星一直線、グランドスラム的なタイミングだからこそ、ホテルインッ! Hが楽しいお年頃、性癖への飽くなき好奇心、探求心。 オトナのおもちゃは電マが一番、最近Sっぽい攻めに目覚めつつある、フェラが好きになってきた。 など、若さ故の微笑ましいエロエピソードを語る。(酒を飲みながら) 頃合いを見計らって、ワンナイ突入! 165センチ、高身長、色白、モデルのように長い手脚。 イチャラブ風の明るめエロスから、徐々に主導権を奪いガチSEXへ。 正常位に「きもちいいトコに当たるから」と泣きそうな顔で喘ぎ、繰り返しの絶頂。 Hに目覚めてるだけあって感度は最高! 長い手脚をビクビク震わせ、「きもちいいぃぃ!!」と全力で喘ぐギャップエロ。 明らかに清純そうな見た目の美少女が、性の目覚めで快楽堕ちは極上エロス。 当然の2回戦、充実のワンナイツ!!"


Futaba (20)

" # College student # 20 years old # Bright # lower story lovers # curiosity #Curelion #Mythen type 20 years old. There is an exquisite character feeling, the sense of distance of the conversation is comfortable. And the face is cute.。 It is a type that is popular in all directions. The alcohol is weak, but it seems that he is drinking rather. It is said that his boyfriend has not been there for a long time, but he has been dying.Pattern. Extremely 20 -year -old symbol! It’s an active timing that is said to come once in a woman’s life, nu!Because it is a slum -like timing, Hotel Inn is a fun year when H is fun, the oddness, an eagerness that does not get tired of the propensity. The toys in adults are the best of electric massagers, and they are awakening to S -like attacks recently, and I like blowjob.He talks about the smiling erotic emoisode due to the youth. (While drinking alcohol), he rushes in one night! 165 cm, tall, fair -skinned, and long hands like models.So, gradually take the initiative and go to Gachi SEX. It panted with a crying face, saying, “Because it hits a good toco" in the normal position, repeatedly cum.The sensitivity is the best because I’m just awakening to H!A gap erotic who shakes his long legs and panting with all his might, “Kimochi!"A beautiful girl with a clear look is the finest and the pleasure fall is the best eros.The second round, a fulfilling one -night!!""
