
ひかり 28歳 受付嬢






夜の街で一人飲み歩いていた超絶イイオンナのひかりさんに声を掛けたら飲み足りないとすんなり撮影隊について来てくれる事に。。。ちょっと天然で緩い感じが見受けられたが、昼は大手商社の受付嬢。夜はなんと吉原でNo1ソープ嬢との事。男性が喜ぶ姿を見ると幸せになれるからストレス発散も兼ねてしているらしい。そんな彼女の職業病と言いますか、出会った男をまず即尺しないと気がすまないらしい。。。特に好きなのは肉体労働者の汗臭いおち〇ち〇。洗ったチンポは皆一緒でつまらないという。洗う前のおちんちんはそれぞれ個性があり、その人の人生を見抜く一種のバロメーターになっているとひかりさんは言う。No1ならではテクニックは当然健在。超絶フェラテクでまずはイカされてしまった男。ソープなら2回戦は当たり前とその豊満なHカップのおっぱいと人間離れした究極のくびれを駆使したテクニックであれよあれよと息子はギンギンに!!飲んだら誰かとヤルまで寝れないという究極のヤリマンちゃん。日替わりで男を求めているので日ごとに経験人数の記録を更新しているという。そんな彼女も最早3年近くハントをしていうてもうすぐ奇跡の連続1000人斬り。生涯トータル経験人数はざっとその3倍!!恐るべし性欲と恐るべしテクニックで貴方の金玉袋を空っぽにしちゃいます!!そんな彼女の出没地はギロッポンや歌舞伎が多いらしい!!ひかりちゃんと遭遇してあなたも伝説の一部となれ!! / ひかり 28歳 受付嬢


Hikari 28 -year -old receptionist

If you call out to Hikari, a transcendent Ionna who was drinking alone in the night city, he would come to the shooting squad smoothly if he was not enough.。。Although it was a bit natural and loose, it was a receptionist of a major trading company in the daytime.At night, I was with the No. soap lady in Yoshiwara.When you see a man happy, he seems to be happy, so he seems to be stress relief.It seems to be her occupational disease, and I feel sorry if the man I meet is not immediately.。。What I especially like is the sweaty 〇 〇.It is said that all washing cocks are boring together.Hikari says that the dick before washing has its own personality and is a kind of barometer that sees the person’s life.The technique is naturally alive.A man who was first squeezed by transcendental blowjob.In the case of soap, the second round of the game is natural, and the son is gingin, even if it is a technique that makes full use of its plump H cup boobs and the ultimate constriction that is far from humans!!The ultimate Yariman who can’t sleep with someone if he drinks.It is said that the number of experienced people is updated every day because they are looking for men on a daily basis.Such a hunt for almost three years, and the miracle is almost 1000 consecutive slashes.The total number of experienced in a lifetime is roughly three times!!We will empty your golden ball bags with scary libido and terrible technique!!It seems that there are many giroppons and Kabuki in her noodles!!Encounter Hikari -chan and become part of the legend!!/ Hikari 28 -year -old receptionist
