
母姦中出し 息子に初めて中出しされた母 平岡里枝子






親父が亡くなって数年、外に出たがらない母だったが、ようやく落ち着いて来たのだろう、僕たち夫婦の新居に遊びに来てくれた。母の元気そうな顔を見た息子は安堵した。息子は偶然母の入浴を見てしまう。顔に似合わぬ黒々とした陰毛。息子は母の裸体に興奮してしまった。深夜、ご無沙汰気味だった妻に久しぶりの行為を熱望した。しかし妻に今回も拒絶されてしまった。高まった息子の性欲ははけ口を探した。母の寝室に忍び込み、そっと布団をめくると母の股間を弄り始めた。次第に湿り気を帯びてゆく淫部。息子は思い切り母の淫毛へと発射した。立ち去る姿を薄目で見送り掛けられた精液をぬぐった母は、息子の奇行に思い悩んだ。翌日妻が外出し、母と二人きりになった息子はおもむろに母へ抱きつくと、乱暴に愛撫し始める。拒絶する母だが息子の力に勝てず、口と手で息子を鎮めようとする。最後の一線は守られたが、息子の激しく求める様に母は忘れていたオンナを思い出してしまう。深夜、寝付けない母は、ひっそりと自分を慰め始める。少しずつ早くなってゆく鼓動。オンナを満たしたい欲求で激しくなってゆく自指。何度もイクが満足できない熟れたカラダ。その姿を見透かされたように息子が母の前に現れる。すでに受け入れるカラダになっている母は息子を完全には拒否できず、硬い息子棒により貫かれてしまう。膣内が満たされた喜びは、母を快感で包み込み、瞬時に絶頂へと達してしまうのであった... / 母姦中出し 息子に初めて中出しされた母 平岡里枝子


Mother, Risako Hiraoka, who was first vaginal cum shot by her son

My mother died for a few years, but she didn’t want to go out, but she finally came down, and came to the couple’s new home.Her son, who saw her mother’s cheerful face, was relieved.My son accidentally sees her mother’s bath.Black pubic hair that does not suit your face.My son got excited about her mother’s naked body.At midnight, I was eager to act after a long absence to my wife, who had been nervous.However, my wife was rejected this time.The growing son’s libido looked for a gesture.He sneaked into his mother’s bedroom and gently flipped the futon, and began to play with her crotch.A nympho that gradually becomes wet.His son fired his mother’s nympho hair.The mother, who wiped off the semen that was shown off, was worried about his son’s odd.The next day, the wife goes out, and the son who is alone with her mother begins to caress violently when hugging her mother.She refuses, but cannot beat his son’s power and tries to calm his son with his mouth and hands.The last line was protected, but as he asked his son intensely, his mother reminds me of the forgotten woman.At midnight, my mother who can’t sleep begins to comfort myself quietly.The beating gradually faster.Self -fingers become intense with the desire to satisfy the woman.A ripe body that does not satisfy Iku many times.My son appears in front of her mother as if she was seeing her.The mother who has already accepted her body cannot completely refuse her son and gets pierced by a hard son stick.The joy of filling the vagina wrapped the mother with pleasure and instantly reached the climax…/ Mother, Risako Hiraoka, who was first vaginal cum shot to her son
