





ジャンル: ゴールド認定



ねんいちの競技かるたのページを御覧くださいまして誠にありがとうございます。わたくしねんいちは、競技かるた教室を開いておりまして、、。講師は3名体制で会員さんは30名ほど抱えております。年代は学生さんがメインですがS~Kまでの女流を育てようと日々真面目に指導しております。特に私はK担当で放課後の部活動がてら、あの有名漫画に影響を受けた子たちが多いです。今作品の子も ちはやふるを見て、今まで帰宅部だった子が週一で通い始め結構上達しました。


今作品は、ねんいち17 19 20の娘です!実は彼女との出会いはかるた教室での出会いが最初だったのです。カワイイ娘だなぁと思った娘なので、あとを追いかけて自宅を確認、同時並行的にエレベーターとかるたを行っておりました。エレベーターの作品は期間限定での発売だったためもう販売をすることはなかろうと思われます。こちらもいつ消えるかはわかりませんが、エレベーターのときは大人気作品で、きっとモデルさんがお気に入りという方が多かったはずなので、可愛いは保証されてるかと思います!

時間 14分
サイズ 2.1GB 縦1080x1920


When it’s crazy

When it’s crazy

Like more than 100 in the previous work!thank you very much!

ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー
Thank you for visiting the page of Nenichi’s Karuta.I open a competition classroom.There are three lecturers and about 30 members.The students are the main students, but they teach seriously every day to grow women from S to K.In particular, I am in charge of K and many of them are affected by that famous manga after school activities.Looking at the child of the work, the child who had been returning home began to go once a week and reached quite well.

My class is limited to two members per frame, and I will maintain preparation exercises, drop bills, and practice paying.At the same time, we play in another room, and we also have a beginner classroom, so please forgive it.
ー ー ー ー

Now the work is Nenchichi 17 19 20 girls!In fact, the encounter with her was the first encounter in the Karuta classroom.He thought he was a cute girl, so he chased his home, checked his home at the same time, and performed an elevator.The elevator’s work was released for a limited time, so it seems that it will not be sold anymore.I don’t know when it will disappear, but when it comes to elevators, it’s a very popular work, and there should have been many people who liked the model, so I think it’s guaranteed to be cute!
You can check the conversation with her well, so you may be able to enjoy it different from the elevator (^^)
* Please note that this work will be a vertical video.

14 minutes of time
Size 2.1GB vertical 1080×1920
