初撮り人妻ドキュメント 青井和海 四十八歳
青井和海さん48歳。ダンスとマラソンで鍛えた肉体はアラフィフを迎えた現在が最高潮と自負する専業主婦。結婚24年目を迎えた今年、下のお子さんが独立して人生最大のミッションと捉えていた子育てが無事完了。これからは今までできなかったことを楽しもうと決意した。「一番やりたかったこと、それは・・・浮気です」家庭に波風を立てまいと自制してきた不貞への欲望を今日ついに解禁。悠々自適な生活を送るには体力も性欲も過剰すぎた美麗妻が24年分の鬱憤を解き放つその瞬間をご覧ください。 / 初撮り人妻ドキュメント 青井和海 四十八歳
First Shooting Married Woman Document Kazumi Aoi 48 years old
Kazumi Aoi is 48 years old.She is a full -time housewife who is proud of her body, who has been trained in Dance and Marathon, with Arafif.This year, the 24th year of marriage, the child -rearing, which was independently regarded as the largest mission in life, was completed safely.I decided to enjoy what I couldn’t do before."What I wanted to do most, it was flirt."In order to live a relaxed life, please see the moment when a beautiful wife who has too much physical strength and libido relieves the 24 years of resentment./ First shooting married woman document Kazumi Aoi 48 years old