
人妻寝取られ温泉旅行【三】 人妻・真衣(仮名) 35歳 結婚8年11ヶ月 子供1人 専業主婦





GoGo’s Core
素人 人妻 寝取り・寝取られ・NTR ハメ撮り 旅行 旅館 浴衣 温泉

「他の男性と2人きりで一泊旅行へ・・・」寝取られ願望を持つ押しの強いの夫からの依頼。夫の願いを叶える為、大人しい人妻は他人に抱かれる・・・。人妻・真衣35歳、結婚8年11ヶ月、子供1人、専業主婦。営業職で自信に溢れた姿が魅力的な夫と大人しく慎重な性格の人妻が結婚。家事や育児にも協力的で頼りになる夫と子供と幸せな毎日を過ごしていたが・・・夫の寝取られ願望を聞いてから一転。悪くなった家庭の空気が良くなるならと寝取られの旅へ。「もう、どうすれば良いのかわからない・・・」夫以外の男の愛撫にダメなことだと分かっていても身体は反応し目を潤ませ身悶える人妻、男根で突かれ気持ちイイと叫び昇天する。 / 人妻寝取られ温泉旅行【三】 人妻・真衣(仮名) 35歳 結婚8年11ヶ月 子供1人 専業主婦


Married Woman Cuckold A hot spring trip

“To an overnight trip alone with other men …" Requested from a strong husband with a desire to be cuckold.A quiet married woman is embraced by others to fulfill her husband’s wish.A married woman, Mai, 35 years old, married for 8 years and 11 months, one child, full -time housewife.An attractive husband with a confidence in the sales position and a married woman with a calm and careful personality get married.He had a happy day with her husband and child who was cooperative and relied on housework and childcare, but after hearing her husband’s desire to be cuckold.On a journey to be cuckold if the air of the worse family gets better."I don’t know what to do anymore …" Even if he knows that it is useless in the caress of a man other than her husband, the body reacts, moisturizes her eyes, and shouts with a man who writhes and shouts with a cock./ Married Woman Cuckold Onsen trip
