
義理の息子 性欲の強い義理の息子にメロメロにされた義母 中山穂香






夫を亡くて数年。一人寝も慣れてきた穂香は、娘夫婦に促され同居する事になった。ある夜の事、穂香は偶然娘婿の自慰の場面を目撃した。久しぶりに見た男性器、しかも逞しく勢いよく発射する場面に穂香は見惚れてしまった。それから数日後、娘が外出し、穂香は洗濯物を取り込むと娘夫婦の寝室へ運んだ。すると婿が昼寝をしていた。あらまあと布団を掛けようとした穂香だが、婿の股間お膨らみが気になってしまう。吸い寄せられるようにパンツの上から触っていると、ムクムクと膨らんでゆくのが分かった。パンツを下ろし生チンを掴むと舌先でそっと触れてみた。ピクんと反応するソレが愛おしくなった穂香は夢中でソレを咥え込むと一心不乱にしゃぶりあげていた。ビクッとしたかと思うと穂香の口中へ白濁液が噴出された。穂香はうっとりとしつつもソレを綺麗にすると、そそくさと部屋を後にした… / 義理の息子 性欲の強い義理の息子にメロメロにされた義母 中山穂香


Hika Nakayama, a mother -in -law who has a strong son -in -law, a mother -in -law

A few years since I had a husband.Hika, who has become used to sleeping alone, was prompted by her daughter and couple and lived together.One night, Hika happened to witness a scene of his son -in -law masturbation.Hika fell in love with the male organs I saw after a long time, and the scene of firing strongly and vigorously.A few days later, my daughter went out, and Hika took in the laundry and brought it to her daughter’s bedroom.Then the son -in -law was taking a nap.Hika tried to hang a futon, but she was worried about the swelling of her son -in -law.When I touched it over my pants so that it was sucked, I found that it swelled and swelled.When I took my pants and grabbed the raw chin, I gently touched it with my tongue.Hika, who was loving, was crazy and sucked up to her when she sucked her.When I was surprised, a cloudy liquid was spouted in Hoka’s mouth.Hika was fascinated and cleaned up, and left the room quickly … / My mother -in -law, Hika Nakayama, whose son -in -law was a strong son -in -law.
