
勉強と仕事に打ち込み遊びを知らぬまま結婚7年目・・・ 現役歯科医師人妻 東希美 34歳 AVデビュー!!





デビュー作 人妻 美熟女 三十路 女医 HD(ハイビジョン)

『東 希美』34歳、現役の歯科医師である。昔から勉強と仕事に没頭し、男遊びを知らぬまま結婚7年目を迎える奥様。歯科衛生士である夫との関係は良好だが、お互い多忙でセックスレスが続いている。溜まった性欲の発散と、激しいセックスへの憧れからAV出演を決意。念願のプロ男優を目の前にすると、恥じらいながらも嬉しそうな表情を浮かべる。ねっとりとした濃厚なキスで感度が高まり、滑らかな肌に触れるとスレンダーな肢体をビクビクとさせる。久しぶりに挿し込まれたチ〇コの熱をじっくり感じながら、幾度もの絶頂を迎える。明るく真面目な美人歯科医師が、夫以外のチ〇コでイキ狂う姿をお楽しみ下さい。 / 勉強と仕事に打ち込み遊びを知らぬまま結婚7年目・・・ 現役歯科医師人妻 東希美 34歳 AVデビュー!!


The 7th year of marriage without knowing the play and work and playing with work … Active dentist Marimi Torimi 34 years old AV debut!!

“Nozomi Higashi" is 34 years old, an active dentist.She has been immersed in her study and work for a long time, and her wife has been in her marriage for the seventh year without knowing her play.The relationship with her husband, a dental hygienist, is good, but each other is busy and sexless.He decided to appear in AV due to the diverge of the accumulated libido and the longing for intense sex.If you look in front of your long -awaited professional actor, you will be ashamed and happy.The sensitivity is enhanced by a sticky and rich kiss, and when you touch the smooth skin, the slender limbs make it scary.While feeling the heat of the chicks inserted after a long time, it reaches many times.Please enjoy a bright and serious beauty dentist who is crazy with a chick other than her husband./ Study and work and get married without knowing about play … Active dentist married woman Torimi Higashi 34 years old AV debut!!
