
奥様欲情日記 いやっ、主人にバレたら・・・そんな事言っても奥さん腰は動いてますよ






かなりエッチで美しい4人の奥様の日常を、再現ドラマでバッチリ暴露!上司のアドバイスを受け、カラダを張って契約を取ろうとする美人妻桜月舞。しかし強引に胸をまさぐられ、脇の下にベロを這わせるヘンタイ客にビックリし、「私、帰ります!契約はもういいですから…」ヘンタイ男に鎖骨をナメまわされ、肩のあたりを甘ガミされると、目がトロ〜ン。「あんた、マゾっ気あるな!」と見破られ、アソコをクチュクチュかき回された後、ビラビラも噛まれて大絶叫!色っぽい奥さん 遥は、植木屋さんにお尻フリフリしながらお茶出し。落としちゃったスプーンをお尻丸出しで探していると、植木屋さんが襲いかかってきた!デッカイチ○チ○をこすりつけられ、マシュマロおっぱいを鷲掴み! / 奥様欲情日記 いやっ、主人にバレたら・・・そんな事言っても奥さん腰は動いてますよ


Wife’s lust diary, if you get rid of your husband … Even if you say that, your wife is moving.

Exposure to the daily life of four wives who are pretty naughty and beautiful in a reproduction drama!A beautiful wife Sakuratsuki Mai is trying to get a contract with her boss’s advice.However, he was forcibly squeezed his chest and was surprised by the hentai customer who crawls the belo under the armpits, “I will return! The contract is good …"And my eyes are toro."You are a masochist!", And after the dick is stirred, the villa villa is bitten and screams!The sexy wife, Haruka, has a tea ceremony while frilling the buttocks.When I was looking for a spoon that I dropped, the gardener attacked!The big one is rubbed and grabs the marshmallow boobs!/ Wife’s Lust Diary In the case, if you go to your husband … your wife is moving even if you say that.
