
何度も撮らせてもらってる美女JDに声をかけてみた編 禁断の逆さ撮りシーズン5 vol.22





ジャンル: パンチラ 声かけ アイドル風 ミニスカート バックレース 女子大生 生足 カメラ目線


『は??? 何ですか???』って謙遜な態度で言われたら終わりです(>o<) ドキドキしながら声をかけてみたらとても気さくに受け答えをしてくれました(・∀・) 『実はカメラマンをやってるんですが、お姉さん綺麗だから今度モデルになってもらえないですか?』 最初は彼女も戸惑っていましたがイ○スタグ○ムのページを見せて(知らない人のページ)話すうちに信じた様子で『いいですよ』とまさかの返答(;゚ロ゚) スマホを真横で見せてる間は当然のように下からは鞄カメが上を向いてるので彼女のフロント部分が長時間映ってます(・∀・) ですが、フロント部分は映っても後ろからは何も映ってない(>o<) 残念ながら話が終わってしまい一旦離れました。 何とか後ろの部分も映したいと思いコスメ商品のとこにいる彼女に再度話しかけることに成功!!!! 『実は化粧品会社に勤めてるんです』と言ったら彼女は『あーそうなんですか?』疑いもせずに話にのってきてくれましたww さっきはカメラマンと言ったのにwww わざと下の商品に誘導して屈ませたとこで彼女のバックPのドアッブをいただき!!! 可愛らしい薄いピンク(?)のレースです(^^) 彼女に黒いネコのスマホ(知らない人のイン○タ○ラムのページ)を再度見させてるうちに再度フロント部分撮影。そのままスマホをカゴに移動させてスマホ撮影に成功ヘ(^o^)/ まだまだ彼女は黒いネコを信じ切ってる様子なので鞄カメをフル活用(^^) そのうちガッツリ足を開いての中腰映像も真横にいるから鮮明に映ってます(^^) 何だか可哀想なぐらい後ろからも前からも撮っちゃいました(。・_・) しかも間近に見る彼女はとても可愛いし、いい匂い・・ 黒いネコと彼女の会話も全て収録されてるので見てて面白いと思いますよ(^^) ちょっと音声を大きくしないと聞こえづらいかもです。 店内には常にBGMが流れてるからご注意を。また、店名の放送部分はミュートにしてます。 vol.17とvol.19で彼女のことが気に入ってくださった方には大変満足できると思います。 そうでない方も見てて飽きはしないと思いますよ。 黒いネコシリーズの中でも、モデル、撮れ高、尺(すみませんが容量大きいです)、内容とどれをとっても過去一になるかもなので超オススメです。 だって普通の盗み撮りじゃなく、訳分からん会話をしながら彼女の中身を撮りやすく誘導してから堂々と撮ってますんでww 残念な点は、彼女の写真を撮る約束をするために連絡先の交換してますが、黒いネコは本当はカメラに興味がなく一眼カメラなんぞ持ったこともないのに・・・連絡来たらどうしよう(>o<) すみませんが、もしかしたらこの作品は早期に消す可能性ありますのでご了承下さい。 ホントに可愛い女性でした(^^) 音声あり(店名放送部分は消音にしてます) 1人分 2.34GB 18:35 Pのどアップあり 直下撮り多数 容量18分超え 4K姿多数 4K靴カメなし スマホ撮りあり スマホ撮影現場なし 彼女と黒いネコのくだらん会話ありw *黒いネコに似た文面とタイトルの販売者さんがいますが当方とは一切関係ないです。 ※メディアプレーヤーで再生出来ない時はGOMプレーヤーで再生して下さい。 ※商品の性質上、早期の販売終了もあります。 ※本作品の無断転載を厳しくお断りいたします。 ※引用動画の著作権は販売者様に帰属します

I tried to call to the beautiful JD that I have been shooting many times.

Hello.It is a black cat.
This woman appeared in Vol.17 and Vol.19 whether it was cute or a beautiful woman, wouldn’t it be a person who would say a “good woman" anyway (^_^)

It’s really cute (・ ∀ ・)
This time it was getting hot, so it was a ponytail, T -shirt and ordinary everyday clothes, but still cute things are cute (^o^)/
While the stage is a drugstore and there are many sticks, I first greeted me and repeated the shooting twice.
However, this store came up with a considerable number of sticks … when I thought about stopping (. ・ Ω ・.)
If you can talk to this child and talk well, will it be possible to shoot from a close distance?
It’s over when you say “What ??? What is it ???" with a humble attitude (> o <) When I called out while pounding, it answered very friendly (・ ∀ ・) "I'm actually doing a photographer, but can you be a model next time because your sister is beautiful?" At first she was confused, but she shows the page of I ○ Stag ○ M (the page of a stranger) and believing in the story (; While showing the smartphone right beside, the bag turtle is facing up from the bottom, so her front part is reflected for a long time (・ ∀ ・) However, even if the front part is reflected, nothing is reflected from behind (> O <) Unfortunately, the story was over and I left. I succeeded in talking to her again in the cosmetics product because I wanted to show the back part somehow !!!! When she said, "I'm actually working for a cosmetics company," she came to the story without doubting, "Is that so?" I said it was a photographer, but www I had a doorb of her back P by intentionally guided to the product below and buckled !!! It is a cute light pink (?) Race (^^) While she saw her a black cat's smartphone (the page of an unknown person's in ○ lamb) again, she took the front part again.Move your smartphone to the basket and succeed in shooting your smartphone (^o^)/ She still seems to believe in a black cat, so he makes full use of the bag turtle (^^) Over time, the middle foot image is opened and the image is next to it, so it is clearly reflected (^^) I took a picture from the back and from the front as a poor (. ・ _ ・) Moreover, she looks close to her, and she smells good ... I think it's interesting to see because all the black cats and her conversations are recorded (^^) It may be difficult to hear unless you make the voice a little loud. Please note that BGM is always flowing in the store.In addition, the broadcast part of the store name is mute. I think you will be very satisfied for those who like her in Vol.17 and Vol.19. I don't think you get tired of seeing those who are not. Among the black cat series, it is highly recommended because it may be the best in the past, the model, the height, the height (I'm sorry but the capacity), and the content. Because it's not a normal voyeur, it's easy to take a picture while having a conversation, so it's easy to take a picture, and then shoot it dignifiedly ww Unfortunately, I exchange contacts to promise her, but black cats are not really interested in the camera and have never had a single -lens camera ...You (> O <) I'm sorry, but please note that this work may be erased early. He was a really cute woman (^^) There is audio (store name broadcasting part is given to silence) One person 2.34GB 18:35 There is P throat up Many shooting directly below Capacity over 18 minutes Many 4K forms 4K shoe turtle There is a smartphone shoot No smartphone shooting site There is a conversation of a black cat with her w *There is a seller with a text and a title similar to a black cat, but it has nothing to do with me. * If you cannot play with the media player, please play with the GOM player. * Due to the nature of the product, there is also an early sale end. * Unauthorized reproduction of this work is strictly refused.
