
AV監督場外決戦 人妻争奪バトル IN 貸別荘





GoGo’s Core

Director高橋浩一、唐木竹史。高橋浩一監督と唐木竹史監督によるコラボ旅行企画第六弾。思い入れのある人妻を気付かないうちに高橋に寝取られ臍を噛んだ唐木が人妻の心と体を賭けたバトルを持ち掛け対決旅が実現。男の意地と意地が火花を散らす一夜限りの人妻争奪バトル勃発。癒し系・唐木竹史と危険な男・高橋浩一、人妻の心と勝利を掴むのは・・・寝取り寝取られた男女3人の背徳の一夜を高橋&唐木の両監督が密着撮影。■奏(31)結婚4年目、子供無し、和食店パート。「3人で1泊? 嘘でしょ!?」自分を巡って争う男たちに翻弄される人妻・・・肉欲にまみれた背徳の夜は終わらない─。 / AV監督場外決戦 人妻争奪バトル IN 貸別荘


AV Supervisory Foundation Outside Decisive Battle Married Woman Competition Battle in Rental Villa

Director Koichi Takahashi, Takeshi Karaki.The sixth collaboration travel plan by Koichi Takahashi and Takeshi Karaki.Karaki, who was cuckolded by Takahashi and bitten the navel without noticing a married woman who had a thoughtful woman, had a battle with a betting of a married woman’s mind and body.A one -night married woman fighting battle outbreak for a man’s will and will.Healing system, Takashi Karaki, a dangerous man, Koichi Takahashi, and the heart and victory of a married woman … Takahashi and Karaki’s immoral nights of three male and women who were cuckold were taken close to the night of the immorality.■ Kan (31) 4 years of marriage, no children, Japanese restaurant part."Three people are one night? Lie!?" A married woman who is tossed by men fighting around themselves …/ AV Supervisory Foundation Outside Decision Battle Married Woman Competition Battle in Rental


高桥(Takeshi Karaki)导演koichi takahasi。高桥和高田卡拉基的第六次合作旅行计划。卡拉基(Karaki)被高桥(Takahashi)戴上了戴帽帽,并咬了肚脐,没有注意到一个有体贴的女人的已婚妇女,他与已婚妇女的思想和身体的押注进行了战斗。一夜的已婚妇女为男人的遗嘱和遗嘱作战。康复系统,危险的男人,高桥的高什卡拉基,以及一个已婚妇女的心和胜利…高桥和卡拉基的三个男性和戴绿帽的妇女的不道德夜晚被带到了不道德的夜晚。■Kan(31)4年结婚,没有孩子,日本餐厅部分。“三个人是一个晚上吗?/ AV监督基金会外部决策战结婚妇女竞赛中的租金战斗
