








“#フリーター#20歳#彼氏無し#セフレ無し#恋愛体質#性欲強い#M気質#2次元風エロ 小動物系の正統派美少女。 子供っぽい口調で甘えキャラ全開、恋愛体質、と言いつつも彼氏は3年ほど無し。 SEXは付き合ってからしたい、と言いつつも、初体験は中2で先生と、とぶっ飛び発言。 仕草所作も価値観も、真面目感全開だけど、どこか意外性のある美少女。 カフェで恋愛話に花を咲かせ、掘れば掘るほど深みのありそうな予感!(エロい意味で) 最近までバーで働いていた、ということで、飲むしかないですね、酒を。 彼氏もセフレもいない、とはいえ、ワンナイくらいは… と尋ねても、ホテルなんて全然来てない、と。 性欲は何なら人並み以上にある、とカミングアウト。 行動だけが真面目! 朝晩、毎日シたい、でも彼氏やセフレの作り方が全然わからない。 となれば、ココは社会勉強、処世術を学ばせてあげねばなりません。(義務感) お酒も程よく進み、ほんのり赤ら顔でキス。 溜まりに溜まった性欲、貪るようなキスに突っ込むと二次元キャラ並みに暴れる可愛さ。 照れと酒と興奮で高揚した色白肌を露わに、徐々に性欲に身を委ねる。 未処理で程良いマン毛もリアル。 鏡前立ちバックに大興奮、恥じらいながらも快感に押されて「それもう一回」とおねだり。 そこかしこに露呈するどM感で、言葉通り性欲の強さを発動しながら、何度も何度もエロ漫画的な喘ぎ声で絶頂。 純情顔で潮を撒き散らし、自ら腰を振りチンポを求める僥倖豹変。 事後のお風呂でお掃除フェラ、と、快楽堕ちで社会勉強完了のワンナイッ!"


Ran (20)

" # Freeter # 20 years old # No boyfriend # No saffle # Love constitution # strong sexuality #M temperament # 2 -dimensional erotic small animal system orthodox beautiful girl.I have no boyfriend for about three years. I want to do SEX after dating, but my first experience is the middle two, and my teacher and my remarks. The work and values are serious, but somewhere surprising.A beautiful girl. I made a flower in a love story in a cafe, and the more I dug it, the more it seems deeper enough to dig!Even though there is no boyfriend or saffle, even if you ask that it is one night, there is no hotel at all. What are your sexual desire?I want to make it every day, but I don’t know how to make a boyfriend or saffle at all. If so, I have to learn about social study and how to work on it.If you rush into a sexual desire, a greedy kiss, it will be as cute as a two -dimensional character. It will gradually leave your libido to your libido, exposed to white -exposed white skin with excitement and excitement.Man hair is also real. The excitement of the mirror standing back, ashamed, but was pushed by pleasure and begging again.With the M feeling of M, which is exposed everywhere, it triggers the strength of libido, and is culminating with an erotic manga -like pant voice over and over again.The lucky change of the tide with a pure face, swinging the waist and looking for a tydock.A cleaning blowjob in the after -case bath, and one -nae that completed social study with pleasure falling!""


