
不倫、それから・・・003 続人妻不倫旅行 #179





GoGo’s Core
人妻 三十路 不倫 旅行 温泉 ハメ撮り HD(ハイビジョン)

人妻・史香(三十三歳)の場合。結婚8年目。ウェディングドレスの美しさに魅了された少女が短大卒業後にウェディングドレス制作販売の職に就いたのは必然だった。友人の紹介で知り合った2歳上の夫と25歳で挙げた式では拘りの自社製ドレスを着た。自分を尊重し優先してくれる優しい夫と充実した仕事、人妻は幸せの絶頂にあったが・・・問題が勃発、旅に出た・・・。(人妻不倫旅行#179)「この四ヶ月、とても長くて苦しかった・・・」前回、別れた場所で四ヶ月振りに再会した。以前と比べほっそりしていた人妻は、この数か月の苦境を話し始める。旅から帰ったその夜に夫話し合ったと云うが・・・やり直すことは出来ないと宣告された・・・。ショックのあまり呆然となった人妻は離婚という現実を受け入れられないまま時間だけが過ぎていく。自宅に帰らない夫を恨む気にもなれない人妻は辛い現実から逃げ出すように二度目の旅に出た・・・。 / 不倫、それから・・・003 続人妻不倫旅行 #179


Affair, then … 003 Second Married Woman affair Travel # 179

For a married woman, Fumika (33 years old).8th year of marriage.It was inevitable that a girl who was fascinated by the beauty of a wedding dress took a wedding dress production and sales after graduating from a junior college.In the ceremony, which I met with my friend’s introduction, I wore my own dress at the age of 25 at the age of 25.A gentle husband who respects and gives priority to herself, a fulfilling work, the married woman was at the height of happiness, but the problem broke out and went on a journey.(Married woman affair travel # 179) “The last four months have been very long and painful …" I reunited for the first time in four months in the last time I broke up.A married woman, who had been slender compared to before, began to talk about the difficulties of the last few months.He said he talked about his husband that night when he returned from his trip, but he was declared that he could not start over.A married woman who is so stunned that she is so stunned that she has only passed the reality of divorce.A married woman who does not want to grudge her husband who does not return home goes on a second journey to escape from the painful reality./ Affair, then … 003 Continued wife affair travel # 179

外遇,然后… 003第二次已婚妇女婚外恋旅行#179

对于已婚妇女Fumika(33岁)。结婚第8年。不可避免的是,一个对婚纱的美丽着迷的女孩在初中毕业后,婚纱制作和销售。在我遇到朋友介绍的仪式上,我25岁那年在25岁那年穿着自己的衣服。一个温柔的丈夫,尊重并优先考虑自己,这是一项充实的工作,已婚妇女处于幸福的高峰状态,但问题爆发了,并进行了旅程。(已婚妇女事务旅行#179)“过去四个月非常漫长而痛苦……”我上次分手的四个月来第一次团聚。与以前相比,一位已婚妇女开始谈论过去几个月的困难。他说,那天晚上他从旅行回来时谈论了丈夫,但他被宣布他无法重新开始。一个已婚的妇女如此震惊,以至于她如此震惊,以至于她只通过了离婚的现实。一个不想让她的丈夫不回家的已婚妇女在第二次旅程中逃脱了痛苦的现​​实。/外遇,然后… 003继续的妻子婚外旅行#179
