
「お待たせしましたお客様、スマイルカフェです」接客中は何をされても常に笑顔の、顧客満足度最高水準のカフェ店員に密着 ゆら(22)









“Customers who have been waiting for you, Smile Cafe." While serving customers, you always smile, and you’ll always smile and get close to the cafe clerk with the highest level of customer satisfaction (22)

The second popular SHIGEKI cafe.The concept of this store is “at any time with a smile with a smile." However, in this cafe, black tights men are invisible at all.While being fierce, I was in close contact with Yura 22 years old, a cafe clerk who kept customer service with a smile while squirting.The inside of the store, which sounds like a BGM, sounds a piston vibe noise, is crowded with regular customers.Even the piston that gradually becomes intense is deceived with a smile and it is alive!!In agony, in intense Pis, the lower body shakes the lower body and Hame tide tide!


第二个受欢迎的Shigeki Cafe。这家商店的概念是“任何时候都带着微笑。在凶猛的同时,我与22岁的Yura密切接触,这是一位咖啡馆书记员,在喷出时保持微笑的客户服务。听起来像BGM的商店内部听起来像是活塞氛围的噪音,挤满了普通客户。即使是逐渐变得强烈的活塞也被微笑欺骗,而且还活着!呢在痛苦的情况下,下半身在强烈的pis中摇动下半身和潮汐潮!

