





美少女 店員

#アクセサリー店員#23歳#彼氏あり#浮気あり#理論派#サバサバ おとなしめな外見とは裏腹。 めちゃ嫌味なく饒舌キャラです。 話せば話すほど引き込まれるキャラの魅力。 可憐な美少女な見た目とは裏腹にわりと男脳。 恋愛観や浮気の価値観はサバサバ。 現在2年半の彼氏アリ。 リピートは浮気、ワンナイトは毎回彼氏に報告、という特殊関係値。 ネトラレの応用系。 意気投合、スムーズなワンナイト。 とはいえ、初対面男女、恥じらいは○め。 あどけない表情とはギャップの引き締まったナイススタイル。 彼氏公認で性癖追及しているだけあって、感度は高め。 能動的な性欲とSEX。 潮を吹き散らかし、色白肌が興奮で紅潮していくリアリティ。 「彼氏よりきもちぃぃ!!むりっむりっ!!」 とエロ漫画クラスのドエロFUCK。 理性○めの美少女が本能剥き出しでビースト化する、性癖深めのワンナイト。


Bud (23)

# Accessories clerk # 23 years old # There is a boyfriend #A cheating #The theoretics #Sabasaba is the other side of the adult appearance.It is a talkative character without disgusting.The more you speak, the more the charm of the character is drawn.Contrary to the pretty beautiful girl, she is a male brain.The values ​​of love and cheating are Sabasaba.My boyfriend ant for two and a half years now.A special relationship is that repeat is cheating, one night is reported to boyfriend every time.Netrare applied system.Matching, smooth one night.However, the first meeting men and women, the shame is ○.An innocent expression is a tight nice style of the gap.The sensitivity is high, as he is pursuing his propensity with his boyfriend’s official recognition.Active sexual desire and SEX.Reality in which the tide blows and the fair -skinned skin flushes with excitement."Muremochi is more than a boyfriend!A one -knight with a deep habit, where a beautiful girl with a reason for a bare instinct is a beast.



