どことなくラ・ムーの面影があるミユキさん(49歳)。旦那とは10年前に死別、女手一つで育てたも無事に独立、今は保険外交員として働くアラフィフ未亡人でございます。若い同僚に「いいサイトありますよ」と勧められ気がつけばあられもない姿を撮影されたあげく販売までされてしまう黒蜜熟女。ほがらか気さくな人柄のミユキさん照れ隠しかそれとも不安を紛らわすためか、まあよく喋る・・・(笑)しかしコトが始まればさっきまでの陽気な保険外交員はどこへやら?悶え喘ぎ歓喜の鳴き声を響かせる中出し大好きマゾ熟女の本性露わに、濃厚子種汁を注がれ卑猥なデカ乳輪を収縮させるミユキさんギャップもラ・ムーの魅力です。(B83/W64/H83) / ミユキ(49)
Miyuki (49)
Miyuki (49 years old) has a somewhat reminiscent of La Moo.He died 10 years ago and raised her alone, but he successfully became independent, and is now a widow in his 50s who works as an insurance agent.A mature woman with a young colleague suggests that she has a good site, and before she knows it, she is photographed in a disgusting appearance and even sells it.Miyuki, who has a friendly personality, speaks well, perhaps to hide her embarrassment or to relieve her anxiety… (lol) But once this happens, where will the cheerful insurance agent you’ve just seen up until now?The true nature of a masochistic mature woman who loves creampies, moaning and moaning, echoing in joy, and Miyuki’s face is also the charm of La Moo, as she pours thick seed juice into it and her obscene, big areola contracts.(B83/W64/H83) / Miyuki (49)
Miyuki(49岁)让人想起La Moo。他在10年前去世,独自抚养她,但他成功地成为独立的人,现在是他50多岁的遗ow,担任保险代理商。一个成熟的女人和一个年轻的同事表明她有一个很好的网站,在她不知不觉中,她的外观令人作呕,甚至卖掉了。具有友好个性的宫城说话很好,也许是为了掩盖她的尴尬或缓解焦虑…(大声笑),但是一旦发生这种情况,直到现在,您刚刚看到的开朗的保险代理人会在哪里?一个受虐狂的成熟女人的真实本质,她喜欢奶油饼,mo吟和mo吟,欢乐地回荡,而米亚基的脸也是La Moo的魅力,因为她将浓稠的种子汁倒入其中以及她的淫秽,大的乳晕合同中。(B83/W64/H83)/Miyuki(49)