
TOKYOデリヘルリベンジャーズ 03







丁寧な接客をする高級美人デリヘル嬢。 「本日はご指名いただき、ありがとうございます!」 嬢は気づいていないようだ…。 ―実はこの女、昔ボクの事をイジメてた同級生である。 プレイ途中でバレてしまい、気まずい雰囲気が流れてしまうが、 前戯を進めていくうちに段々とその気になってきたらしく、次第に感じ始める! 思い切って本番交渉してみて嫌がられたが、押しまくってみた所、 軽い抵抗しながらも何とか挿入成功! 当時のいじめっ子にこんなこと出来るなんて、征服感半端ないです! 喘ぎまくりの彼女の中に一発かまして復讐も射精も完了!


TOKYO Deriherry Benger’s 03

A luxury beauty Deriheru who is carefully serving customers."Thank you for your nomination today!" She doesn’t seem to notice …―In fact, this woman is a classmate who used to bully about me.It gets bald during the play, and an awkward atmosphere flows, but as you proceed with the foreplay, it seems that you are gradually becoming more and more concerned!I was hated after trying to negotiate the production, but when I tried to push it, I managed to insert it while it was a light resistance!There is no sense of conquesting that the bully at that time could do this!Revenge and ejaculation are completed in one shot inside her panted!
