ジャンル: キャンギャル ビキニ ローアングル・逆さ撮り 美尻 ホットパンツ
•釈由美子似ちゃん……20年前の映像じゃありませぬ、あなたがボケたわけじゃありません、また、ホームページオープン時のお得意さまもぼちぼちボケる頃だと予想し、むかしの映像を混ぜて販売しようとしているのでもありません。これは、れっきとした釈由美子の瓜二つちゃん 。ビキニなハミ尻や、迷彩柄ミニからのビキニチラetc. をたっぷり(24分)
•清純ちゃん……目を付けて待ち受けていたところ、ほれ出現した――かと思いきや、可愛い笑顔でパンフを差し出され、これにはさすがの作者も「あっ、さっき」もらいました、ともいいあぐね、うろたえまいことか 。ということで、今回のイベント、最後は、オシリの大っきな清純ちゃんのぴちなホットパンツでシメ、といきましょう
5789/"Exploring Photography: A Great Adventure from Can-chan (172)"
5789/"Exploring Photography: A Great Adventure from Can-chan (172)" [Low-stage Voyeur Explorer Series No. 211]
The image quality is roughly the same as the DVD
The second half of the “adventure" album from “Nagoya Auto Festival 2019" (2 volumes in total).
[This series is only available on the first day, with two volumes in total]
Most of these are booths.
•Shaku Yumiko-like…It’s not like it’s a footage from 20 years ago, it’s not like you’re making fun of, and I’m also expecting that your specialists when the website opened will get a little bit more funny, so they’re not trying to sell it with mixed footage from the past.This is a pretty girl who looks exactly like Shaku Yumiko.A plentiful of bikini-like butts, camouflage mini bikini flashes, etc. (24 minutes)
•Pure-chan…was waiting with her eyes, she appeared, but she was given a pamphlet with a cute smile, and even the author, who is so well-known, received “Ah, a moment ago," and it’s a bit of a slut.So, at the end of this event, let’s finish off with some hot pants from a big, pure and pure girl.
That’s all ▼Cheap, 3 points.
/3,500 yen (54 minutes)
*This film is a high definition film.
●Notes regarding products
*Secondary use such as reprinting, resale, or publicizing videos and images is prohibited.
*The video is edited from the ones that are permitted to be filmed.
*Nude or entanglement.
*The actual subject is not mosaiced.
*Please do not accept any noise caused by the original, image and sound disorder, or duplicate scenes due to editing errors.
5789/“探索摄影:Can-chan(172)的一次伟大冒险” [低级Voyeur Explorer系列第211号]
“ Nagoya Auto Festival 2019”的“冒险”专辑的后半部分(总共2卷)。
•Shaku Yumiko like …这并不是说这是20年前的镜头,这并不像您在取笑,而且我也希望您的专家在开放网站时会变得更有趣,因此他们不会从过去的混合镜头出售它。这是一个漂亮的女孩,看上去完全像Shaku Yumiko。大量的比基尼式屁股,迷彩迷你比基尼闪光等(24分钟)
•Pure-chan …正等着她的眼睛,她出现了,但是她被带着可爱的微笑给了一名小册子,甚至是如此众所周知的作者,也收到了“啊,片刻之前”,这有点荡妇。因此,在此活动结束时,让我们从一个大,纯洁的女孩的一些热裤结束。