ジャンル: キャンギャル ローアングル・逆さ撮り
•ステージ……チラダンスは花道へ降り、全開。待ち構えるびでお君たちのまっただ中、若いちゃんにしては、これ見よがしの、暴れまくりの回りまくり。この数ステージを一まとめにしました。なお、本シーンは、“無法地帯”“作戦”の両シリーズにはなく、本作のみのオリジナルget (22分)
5788/"Exploring Photography: A Great Adventure from the Undiscovered Land (171) ~ Stage Edition"
5788/"Exploring Photography: A Great Adventure from Can-chan (171) – Stage Edition" [Low-Stage Voyeur Explorer Series No. 210]
The image quality is roughly the same as the DVD
The first half of the “adventure" album (2 volumes in total) from “Nagoya Auto Festival 2019."
[This series is only available on the first day, with two volumes in total]
• Opening…Gal on stage, including photos of the eight image girls with beautiful legs.Needless to say, in the crotch viewing mode (26 minutes)
•Stage…The glitter dance descends onto the Hanamichi and opens in full swing.As I waited, I was surrounded by the people, and for a young man, I was stunned and rampaging around.I’ve put together a few stages.This scene is not included in both the “Lawless Zone" and “Operation" series, and is an original game only available for this film (22 minutes)
/3,500 yen (48 minutes)
*This film is a high definition film.
●Notes regarding products
*Secondary use such as reprinting, resale, or publicizing videos and images is prohibited.
*The video is edited from the ones that are allowed to be filmed.
*Nude or entanglement.
*The actual subject is not mosaiced.
*Please do not accept any noise caused by the original, image and sound disorder, or duplicate scenes due to editing errors.
5788/“探索摄影:Can-chan的一次伟大冒险(171) – 舞台版” [低级Voyeur Explorer系列第210号]
“ Nagoya Auto Festival 2019”的“冒险”专辑的前半部分。
•在舞台上打开… gal,包括八个图像女孩的照片。不用说,在the脚的观看模式(26分钟)
•舞台…闪闪发光的舞蹈降临到哈纳米奇(Hanamichi)上,并如火如荼地打开。当我等待时,我被人们包围了,对于一个年轻人,我被惊呆并四处张望。我整理了几个阶段。这个场景都不包含在“ Lawless Zone”和“ Operation”系列中,并且是仅适用于这部电影的原始游戏(22分钟)