
初撮り人妻ドキュメント 鈴村みなみ 三十三歳






「武器にしているつもりはないんですけど、おじさまウケはいいですね(笑)」鈴村みなみさん33歳。結婚四年目。一児の母であり医療系営業職として働く兼業主婦。誰もが目を奪われるおっぱいは100センチHカップ。巨乳のおかげか本人の努力か、営業成績は良好で家庭と仕事を両立しつつ充実した日々を送っているという。だが仕事と育児に奔走する毎日にセックスが入り込む隙はなく・・・。外から見れば幸せそうな生活も女としては満たされず。欲望の捌け口を探し求めて遂にはAV出演を決意するまでに。「飢えてます。オナニーのたびに妄想している濃厚でこってりしたセックスを体感したいんです」この日だけは一人の女に戻る決意をした新米ママがHカップを乱舞させて快楽を貪る艶姿をご覧ください。 / 初撮り人妻ドキュメント 鈴村みなみ 三十三歳


First Shooting Married Woman Document Minami Suzumura 33 years old

“I don’t intend to use it as a weapon, but my uncle is good (laughs)." Minami Suzumura is 33 years old.Her marriage 4th year.A mother of one child and a part -time housewife who works as a medical sales job.The boobs that everyone catches their eyes is 100 cm H cup.It is said that thanks to the big tits or his efforts, his business performance is good, and he is spending a fulfilling day while balancing his family and work.However, there is no chance that sex will enter every day when you work and childcare.A happy life from the outside is not satisfied as a woman.By searching for a desire outlet and finally decided to appear in AV."I’m hungry. I want to experience the rich and rich sex that I am delusional every time I masturbate." On this day, a new mom who decided to return to a woman only on this day made the H -cup dancing the H cup and devoured the pleasure.Please take a look./ First Shooting Married Woman Document Minami Suzumura 33 years old
