







「うんこ姿」という絶対に他人に見せてはいけない恥ずかしい姿。素人女性たちの「うんこ姿」を赤裸々に捉えた映像のなかでもディレクター自ら厳選した「極太うんこ」に焦点をあてた映像集です。地方から上京してきたキリっと系のお姉さんは、あまりのうんこの太さに肛門が限界寸前!?ある夏の暑い日、汗まみれの湿った肛門から立派なうんこを放り出す素人女性。お仕事終わりのOLさんは昨日からの溜まった便を涙を流しながらヒリ出し…ハイソ系お姉さんは肛門にティッシュの残り滓をつけながら極太便を排泄。SNSで出会った事前準備のないガチ素人女子たちのうんこ姿だからこそ撮れた映像!ただでさえ恥ずかしい排便姿なのに、更に顔に似合わないふっというんこがメリメリと音を立てて広げながら肛門を広げて排泄される姿をお楽しみください。極太うんこ4名収録。 ※本編顔出し


Shame poop record of amateur girls I met on SNS -extremely thick displacement

An embarrassing figure that you should never show to others, “poop appearance".It is a collection of images that focus on “Gulk Unko", which is carefully selected by the director in the video that captures the “poop appearance" of amateur women.Kirito’s older sister who came to Tokyo from a rural area is on the verge of the anus on this thickness!?An amateur woman who throws a splendid poop from a sweaty wet anus on a hot summer day.OL at the end of work sheds tears of the accumulated stool from yesterday … Haiso’s sister excreted a thick stool while attaching the remaining tissue to the anus.A video that was taken because it is a poop of the gachi amateur girls who have not prepared on SNS!Even though it is an embarrassing defecation figure, please enjoy the appearance of expanding the anus while spreading and spreading the sound that does not suit your face.Includes 4 puddles.* The main story appears
