






昔僕が面倒観てた後輩がいるんですが、その後輩が結婚してからは全く遊ばなくなり ある日その後輩の家で遊んでました。
病院に向かってる途中車内では奥さんと家庭の愚痴やいろいろ聞いていたんですが、 どうやら僕の後輩はかなり金遣いが悪いらしく家計も結構きついそうです…
「OOに内緒にするんだったら、少しだけ家計を助けてあげよう?!」 と言うと
「絶対言わないので助けてください!!」 と言われたので
「じゃぁ時間もないしその病院のトイレで一発だけやらして」 というとOKがでましたw 病院に到着し、そこそこ大きい病院だったので端っこにあるトイレに2人で移動し、早速始めることにしましたww
しかも人妻なのでめちゃくちゃ興奮します笑  多分奥さんは相当イヤイヤ我慢しているっぽくて、少し涙目でした笑
びっくりです。 めちゃくちゃ巨乳でしかも美乳…。
「おっぱいだけはどうかなめないでください…」 と言われていたので、少し触る程度にしておきますww
昔からめちゃくちゃ毛が薄いらしく、ほぼ未処理らしいですw 早速フェラをしてもらいましょう
やはり旦那にはすごい悪い気がするらしく、少し抵抗があるフェラです 。 余計に興奮しちゃいましたww
「少しだけでいいから自分の指でまんOを開いてみて」 と指示を出し、くぱぁさせちゃいましたw
しばらく奥さんのまんOを見ながら少しだけ自分でシコってからそのまま立ちバックで挿入しちゃいますw めちゃくちゃ締まりがいいですw


When I sent a junior wife with a gal wife with a big tits to the hospital, I was just done in the hospital at the hospital.

In the past, I had a junior who was annoyed, but after the junior got married, I couldn’t play at all, and one day I was playing at the junior’s house.
It is near the evening and tells me to return from my junior wife
“I want to go to the hospital, so can you send me to the hospital?!"
I was happy to say that, and left my husband at home and decided to send my junior wife to the hospital on the way home.
On the way to the hospital, I was listening to my wife’s complaints and my family bitches and various things, but apparently my junior seemed to be pretty bad and the household budget was quite tough …
Actually, my junior wife was a girl who used to be pretty naughty in the past, and I heard rumors that my seniors have been doing it, so I can’t use it.
“If you keep a secret to OO, let’s help your household budget a little!"
I was told, “I will never say it, so please help me !!"
It was OK to say, “I have no time and do only one shot in the toilet at the hospital." I arrived at the hospital and it was a fairly large hospital, so I moved to the toilet at the edge and started it immediately.WW
The junior wife is big tits, gal, and is just my type of girl w
And I’m so excited because I’m a married woman lol Maybe my wife seems to be patient and I was a little tearful.
I will show you how big the boobs are good ww
That’s surprising.Insanely big tits and beautiful breasts …
It was said, “Don’t just stop your boobs …", so I’ll keep it a little touch ww
Next time, if you take off your pants and turn the skirt, it’s a very beautiful shaved bread.
It seems that the hair is insanely thin for a long time, and it seems almost unprocessed w Let’s have a blowjob immediately
After all, it seems that my husband seems to be very bad, and it is a blowjob with a little resistance.I was so excited ww
It’s bad if you are in the toilet for a long time, so let’s make it a standing back pose at the wash basin and observe your wife’s O’s O.
I gave instructions, “Open O with your finger, just a little," and let me do it.
While watching my wife’s man O for a while, I will insert it a little by myself and then insert it with the back as it is w It is insanely tight w
I think that if you write it to the end, you will have less fun, so please see the video for the rest ww
