
盗撮~オナニー 働く女






背徳感とスリル職場で貪るエクスタシー 何時でも何処でも手軽にオーガズム、とはいえ仕事中の隙間時間に始めるのは社会人として如何なものかと。【TPO】 Time(時間)、Place(場所)、Occasion(場合)の頭文字をとって、「時と場所、場合に応じた方法・態度・服装等の使い分け」を意味する和製英語。社会人として身につけておきたい概念。であるが、承認欲求の塊とも言えるSNS世代においては希薄になりつつあることも否めない。加えて、乳首・クリトリス・Gスポット・ポルチオ等、オーガズムを得られる性感帯を複数持ち、絶頂後も性欲が衰えず何度でもイクことができるのが女の身体。故にエロスイッチが入ると…TPO※の欠落 快楽優先


Voyeurism -Masturbation Working Woman

Ecstasy, a sense of immorality and a thrilling workplace, is easy to do orgasm anytime or anywhere, but what is it as a member of society to start during a gap time during work?[TPO] Japanese English that means “TIME (time), Place (location), and Occasion (case), meaning" use of methods, attitudes, clothes, etc. according to time and place, and in some cases. “The concept that you want to learn as a member of society.However, it is undeniable that the SNS generation, which can be said to be a mass of approval, is becoming less.In addition, it is a woman’s body that has multiple sexual zones that can obtain orgasm, such as nipples, clitoris, G spots, and porcio, and can do it as many times as sexual desire does not decline after the climax.Therefore, when an erotic switch is turned on … TPO * missing pleasure priority
