
代理出産の母 中山穂香






子作りに励んでいたがなかなか授からず、検査した所、娘はいわゆる不妊だった。順風満帆な娘夫婦に突きつけられた悲しい現実。娘夫婦は悩みに悩んだ末、ある結論へ到達した。ある夜、娘夫婦は神妙な顔つきで母を見つめていた。手元には不妊の診断書。突然の事に狼狽するすみれに、娘はこう言った。私の子供をお母さんが産んでください、と。愛する娘の悲しい顔は見たくないと、母は分かったと頷くしかなかった。それから数日後、母の妊娠可能日を調べ、遂にその日を迎える。娘に見守られながら、娘婿と行為する。互いに緊張していたが、無事母の中に婿の精が放出された。そして数ヶ月後。無事着床し確実に育っている子供。その成長に合わせるかのように、母の中の女も又目覚め始め… / 代理出産の母 中山穂香


Mother of a parent childbirth Hoka Nakayama

He was working hard to make a child, but he was not easily given, and his daughter was so -called infertility.A sad reality that was pierced by a smooth sailing daughter couple.The daughter and his couple reached a certain conclusion after suffering.One night, the daughter and his couple looked at their mother with a mysterious look.A medical certificate for infertility at hand.The daughter said, the daughter, who was upset, said:Mother should give my child.I didn’t want to see the sad face of my beloved daughter, and I had to nod that my mother knew it.A few days later, I looked up my mother’s pregnancy date and finally reached that day.He acts with his son -in -law while being watched by his daughter.He was nervous with each other, but his son -in -law was released in his mother.And a few months later.A child who is standing safely and grows up.As if to match that growth, the woman in my mother began to wake up again … / Mother Hoka Nakayama, a childbirth
