
人妻湯恋旅行 特別篇05 “人妻”と呼ばれたオンナ 続・人妻くみこ(仮名) 三十七歳





素人 人妻 不倫 温泉 旅行 旅館 浴衣 ハメ撮り

湯に揺れ、恋に揺れる、人妻のココロとカラダ。丸ごと一緒に温泉の旅へ──。「人妻湯恋旅行 121」の人妻くみこ・37歳と再会の旅。前回の旅以降、刺激が忘れられず月に1回程度AV出演を続けているという人妻。一度肌を合わせた男との旅ということもありリラックスムード、お酒好きの人妻はランチでビール。宿では温泉で始めると隣からも怪しい声が・・・興奮した男女は激しく絡み合い、所々で声を上げた人妻はケイレン昇天。夕食後、さらに酔いが回った人妻は目隠し拘束プレイに乱れまくり。今度は声を抑える必要のない人妻は大声を上げ悶絶。翌朝はさらに大胆に、男に跨り尻を打ち付け数回絶頂。オンナを実感した人妻は旅の終わりを寂しがり帰路に着く。 / 人妻湯恋旅行 特別篇05 “人妻”と呼ばれたオンナ 続・人妻くみこ(仮名) 三十七歳


Married Woman Yuko Koi Travel Special Edition 05 Menner Kumiko (a pseudonym) 37 years old called “married woman"

A married woman’s heart and a body that shakes in hot water and shakes in love.To a hot spring trip together with the whole whole.Kumiko, a married woman of “Married Women’s Love Travel 121", a trip to 37 years old.After the last trip, a married woman has been appearing about once a month without forgetting the stimulus.Once it is a trip with a man who has met the skin, a relaxed mood, a married woman who loves alcohol is a beer for lunch.At the inn, when you start with a hot spring, a suspicious voice from the neighbor … The excitement men and women are intensely intertwined, and the married woman who raised the voice in some places was as expected.After dinner, the married woman who got drunk was disturbed by blindfolded restraint play.This time, a married woman who does not need to control her voice shouts and faints in agony.The next morning, boldly straddled a man and hit his ass several times.A married woman who realizes the woman lonely at the end of her journey and arrives on her return./ Married Women’s Koi Travel Special Edition 05 Menner Kumiko (pseudonym) 37 years old called “married woman"
