






【初ハメ撮りでパパから金を巻き上げようとする貞操観念ゆるゆるJD】ナンパの末GETした彼女、JDの『あゆ』。珍しい事に昼から呼び出されデート開始。会って早々にカメラを渡され撮影して欲しいとお願いされたり、今日の装いも普段絶対しないコーデで珍しい。というか、怪しい。絶対なんか隠してる!という事で、じわじわ詰めてく作戦を決行。どっかでボロ出ねぇかな~と色々話を聞いていくと、出てきたのは元カレとの衝撃エロ体験・・・w4人で飲んで4人でヤった酔いどれ乱交+スワッピングって・・・この子、貞操観念ゆるゆる・・・??知らんかったよ。その流れでね。はい。ついにボロが出ました。どうやら、僕に内緒でP活していたそーです。『遊んでない』『浮気しない』と明言した数分前は何だったのか(怒)。今日はその件の謝罪!?と思いきや、「ハメ撮り、売ろうかなぁと思って」という追撃の衝撃発言。は???(怒)(怒)(怒)。要するに、『お金欲しさにP活を始めたので、ある程度潤ったら止めるつもり。一気に稼ぐためハメ撮りを撮って、パパ達に売りつけたい』という事らしい。儲け分は僕との旅行代やご飯代にしたいと言うけど、いや・・・そんな危ない事せんでも。僕が出すからと説得するも、意志が固いし、ちゃっかりホテル取ってるしでお手上げ。始まった撮影だけど、行為が進むに連れて思いのほか盛り上がっていく事に・・・。小麦色の健康的な肌。もちっとしたおっぱいの頂に勃つプリプリの乳首を弄り倒すと、糸引く愛液がパンツにべったり!美味しく頂くも『パパの方が(クンニが)上手い』判定をされ後味最悪だよ!!!wwwそんな微妙テクでもちゃっかりイってる濡れマンに、彼女持参のおもちゃを当てさせ電マオナニーからの濃厚フェラで、臨戦態勢OKの我がムスコを生でIN♪いつも通りのセックスを淡々と撮ればいいんでしょうが、パパ棒も咥えたのかと思うとピストンに怒りの感情が乗り・・・。激しい動きに察するものがあったらしい。「もういい~カメラぁ・・・」と撮影の中断を願われたけど、無視&続行!ヘロヘロになるまでハメ倒し中出しマーキング完了!焼けた肌に映える白濁精子を撮影していると・・・また、チ●コが元気に・・・w撮れ高は高ければ高いほどイイと聞いた事があるので、どのみち2回戦目への突入は不可避。念のためOKかお伺いを立てると、「まだできんの?」と挑発発言・・・・・・ってオイ!!!こちとら全然余裕じゃッッ!!!!(怒りの再勃起) / 【マジカワなのに自ら性的搾取の対象に成り下がるヤリマン美ギャルJDと金稼ぎFuck】4P酒酔い乱交、スワッピング、パパとの浮気・・・etc.気持ちぃことなら何でもヤった衝撃カミングアウトに彼ピ絶句wwwエロを金に変えるべく人生初のハメ撮りに挑戦!緊張で普段より感じちゃう?糸引くねっとり愛液でぐじゅぐじゅマ●コを鬼ピスで掘削されイっちゃうのが止まらない!!小麦色の美BODYをくねらせ極まる熱々生膣に白濁中出し&たっぷり顔射で孕ませマーキング完了!【あまちゅあハメREC#あゆ#女子大生】


[Yariman Beauty Gal JD and Money FUCK, which are subject to sexual exploitation even though they are magica] 4P Drunk orgy, swapping, flirt with dad … etc.Treat for the first gonzo in my life to change the erotic oscillation to gold!Do you feel more than usual with tension?It doesn’t stop being excavated with a demon Pis with a stuffy joy juice that pulls the thread!!Know the body of the body, and the hot and raw vagina is cloudy and the marking is completed with plenty of facial cumshots![Amachi Saddle REC # Ayu # Women’s University student]

[Ayu “, who got the first gonzo trying to wind money from his dad in the first gonzo, is a JD" Ayu “who got the end of Nampa.Unusually, she is called from noon and starts dating.It is unusual for you to be given a camera as soon as you meet and want to take a picture, or today’s outfit.Or rather, suspicious.Absolutely hiding something!So, we decided to work on the strategy.When I heard a lot of stories, I heard a lot of things that came out somewhere.・ ・ This child, chastity watching is loose …??I didn’t know.That’s the flow.yes.Finally, a rag has come out.Apparently, I was doing P in secret to me.What was it a few minutes before saying “I’m not playing" or “I don’t flirt" (angry).I apologize for the matter today!?I thought, “I’m thinking of selling gonzo and selling."teeth???(Angry) (angry) (angry).In short, “I started P activity because I wanted money, so I’m going to stop it if it is moisturized to some extent.I want to take a gonzo and sell it to my dads to make money. “I want to make a profit for traveling and rice, but no, even though it’s dangerous.I persuade me to give it out, but my will is hard and I’m taking a hotel.It was a shooting that started, but as the act progressed, it would be exciting.Healthy skin of pood.When you finger down the nipple of the erotic nipples on the top of the tough boobs, the joy juice that pulls out will be on the pants!Even though it is delicious, “Daddy is better (cunnilingus)" is judged and the aftertaste is the worst!!!www I put a toy of her brought to a wet man who is just a subtle technique, and with a rich blowjob from the electric masturbation, I can take the same sex as usual.If you think that your dad sticks were sucked, you got anger on the piston.It seems that there was something that seemed to be intense.I was hoping to interrupt the shooting, “It’s already good ~ camera …", but ignore & continue!Until it becomes a hero, the creampie marking is completed!When shooting the cloudy sperm that shines on the burnt skin … again, Chi -ko is fine … w I have heard that the higher the height, the better, so I will go to the second round of the second round.It is inevitable.If you ask for OK just in case, you say, “Can you still do it?"!!You can afford it at all!!!!(Reverse erection of anger) / [Yariman beautiful gal JD and money FUCK who are subject to sexual exploitation even though they are magica] 4P Drunk Orgy, Swapping, flirt with dad … etc.Challenge his first gonzo in his life to change his shocking out www erotic!Do you feel more than usual with tension?It doesn’t stop being excavated with a demon Pis with a stuffy joy juice that pulls the thread!!Know the body of the body, and the hot and raw vagina is cloudy and the marking is completed with plenty of facial cumshots![Amachi Saddle REC # Ayu # Women’s University student]
