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Hinako -chan

Today was a date with Hinako.Arrived at the park for the first time in a long time.I’m going to relax, so I thought …!Σ ( ̄. ̄ ノ) ノ I’m sorry … Uncle, it seemed to be a rain man … (; ∀;) Hinako -chan is a surprise to the uncle who has been hungry to the stomach.He brought a handmade lunch (sandwich)!The sandwich with a lot of affection was delicious … the uncle’s heart was a relaxed and sunny pattern.After that, I enjoyed playing in badminton and enjoying the park.In a satisfying place … Uncle, this time I was horny.I moved to the car.Onedari so that you can calm your mouth with your mouth.^^ Hinako is confused by the sudden thing, but she doesn’t seem to be full.He welcomed me in my mouth, with a little excitement of Ohnchin that I haven’t washed since yesterday.Tenno semen fires in a cute mouth that makes a zubozbo and nasty sound and sucks up.^^ Thanks to you, the uncle was refreshing, but this time Hinako’s switch seems to have switched to ON."Hey, uncle, Shi -tai ///" appeals with a cat.Hinako -chan, who comes with a bad idea as soon as possible, is so cute, but it’s inside the car!?If you are a person, you will be barred … so I moved to the hotel in a hurry.( ̄ ー  ̄) As soon as you enter, you can not stand it and flirt in front of the door.Before you love the ohno that gets wet with just a kiss, you will have to change into a cosplay (transparent Chinese clothing) today!In front of Hina daughter, uncle’s O ○ -chin grows rapidly.^^ Immediately, I bullied it with electric massage and spanking.Hinako -chan is an M girl, so she will be happy to do this.The uncle is about to be the limit soon, so insert it in the back.I will sometimes be happy with spanking while changing my position from Ekiben and cowgirl.( ̄∇ ̄) Hinako -chan went to the shower in a refreshing place.When I was talking about what to do, the reply saying “Hmm. I still want to do it" (!?) Apparently I’m not satisfied."Uncle, do you have physical strength?"I did my best.^^; But I have to answer because it was expected.Plenty of breaks and plenty of foreplay, and loosely enter the second round.She was completely fueled by her uniform, and decided a creampie somehow.(Laughs) [Main story appears]
