
初撮り人妻ドキュメント 広瀬亜弓 三十四歳






「学生時代は陸上、水泳、球技、ジャンル問わずスポーツ漬けでした。」美しくシェイプされたくびれボディが自慢の広瀬亜弓さん34歳、結婚6年目の専業主婦。昔からSっ気のある男性がタイプだという亜弓さん。多少強引でも力づくで押し倒されるようなワイルドセックスが好みらしい。「基本的にいつも相手にお任せですけど、変に気を使われるより男の人がやりたいように乱暴にやられちゃうぐらいが好きなんです。」実はそんなMっ気たっぷりな従順奥様が過去一番気持ち良かったというのが【スマホで撮られながらのセックス】。最初は不安だったもののいざ撮られてみると、他に替え難い興奮と背徳感を覚えてしまったそう。「まさか夫には・・・昔の彼との思い出です(苦笑)」もちろん今回のお目当てはカメラ前での公開セックス。身体的快楽と精神的快楽が怒涛の快感となって彼女をエクスタシーへといざなう! / 初撮り人妻ドキュメント 広瀬亜弓 三十四歳


First Shooting Married Document Ayumi Hirose 34 years old

“When I was a student, I was pickled in sports regardless of whether on land, swimming, ball games, or genre."Ayumi says that a man who has been S -affiliated for a long time is a type.He seems to like wild sex that can be pushed down by force even if it is a little forced."Basically, I always leave it to the other person, but I like the fact that a man is violently done as much as he wants to do." ActuallyThe feeling that it was comfortable was [sex while being taken with a smartphone].At first, he was anxious, but when he was taken, he felt an excitement and immorality that was difficult to change."No way for my husband … I’m a memory with him in the old days (bitter smile)." Of course, this time is a public sex in front of the camera.Physical pleasure and mental pleasure become a flurdy pleasure and make her go to ecstasy!/ First Shooting Married Woman Document Ayumi Hirose 34 years old
