
初撮り人妻ドキュメント 相河沙季 四十一歳






相河沙季さん41歳。足つぼサロンでセラピストとして働く二児の母。ご奉仕好きな性格とHカップ巨乳を武器にお客様からの評判は上々。だが夜の生活が減少したここ数年、顧客の体に触れると仕事中でもいやらしい妄想が頭に浮かぶようになってしまった。欲求不満が妄想癖に拍車をかけて、胸元に注がれる男性客の熱い視線までもが視姦妄想の材料に・・・。中でも一番のお気に入りは何人もの男性の視線に囲まれ恥ずかしい姿を見られる場面の妄想。そしてついにAV撮影の世界に飛び込む決意を固めた。エロスに前向き。やる気満々。妄想過剰奥様が秘めた欲望を全開にした艶姿をご覧ください。 / 初撮り人妻ドキュメント 相河沙季 四十一歳


First Shooting Married Woman Document Saki Aikawa 41 years old

Saki Aikawa is 41 years old.The mother of two children working as a therapist in the foot salon.The reputation of customers is excellent as a weapon with your favorite personality and H cup big tits.However, in recent years, when the night’s life has decreased, when I touched the customer’s body, I have come to mind that nasty delusions come to my mind even at work.The frustration spures the delusional habit, and even the hot gaze of a male customer poured into the chest is a material for visual delusions.Among them, my favorite is the delusion of a scene where you can see an embarrassing appearance surrounded by the gaze of many men.Finally, I decided to jump into the world of AV shooting.Positive to Eros.Motivated.Please see the glossy figure that fully opened the desire hidden by the delusional wife./ First Shooting Married Woman Document Saki Aikawa 41 years old
