
【禁断の逆さ撮り】美人アパレル店員と協力同業者編 vol.10





ジャンル: パンチラ 店員 制服店員 バリキャリ女子 純白 都会のお姉さん 女子大生 生足









二人で別々に入店し、ターゲットを探しました(^^ )


晴れてこのお姉さんに決定(>o<) しかし、キョロキョロした男性二人が、流行りのアパレルショップで何もせずに10分間ウロウロ彷徨い続けるのは 中々に事案なので、隙を狙ってあまり時間をかけず遂行しました(・∀・) あと、協力者さんにもプライバシーあるもんでモザイクしてあります(^^ ) 被写体を見つけても撮れるチャンスが中々訪れず、ドキドキしながら暫く観察。 グチャグチャの棚を見つけて洋服を畳み始めたらチャンス到来です! (お姉さんが畳むように棚の服を丸めたりしていたのは内緒です) 他の店員さんやお客さんにバレないよう合図を決めて、二人で計5回ツッコミました('-'*) 先鋒は協力者さん。 チャンスと見たら構わず突っ込むストロングスタイルで、いつも冷や冷やさせられます。 下から突っ込んで自分だけで楽しむのかと思いきや、 インカメでスカートの中身をこちらに向けて状況を見せてくれました! この自信に溢れた覗き行為が 相手に覗かれていると思わせない技術なのかもですね(・ω・) 当初良い子が居なかったら、黒い防御だったら速攻帰る事を取り決めていましたが、 心配は杞憂で、しっかりと白の生Pを収めることができました! 仕事を完了してからは二人でカフェに入り、取れ高チェック。 協力者さんのデータは特典につけてありますよ(。・ω・。) ※メディアプレーヤーで再生出来ない時はGOMプレーヤーで再生して下さい。 *商品の性質上、早期の販売終了もあります。 *本作品の無断転載を厳しくお断りいたします。 モザイク1部あり 音声あり 1人分 494MB 3:25 特典:同業者視点 音声あり 1人分 99.3MB 0:41 ※引用動画の著作権は販売者様に帰属します

[Forbidden upside -down shooting] Beautiful apparel clerk and cooperating with Vol.10

Hello.It’s a white cat (=^..^=)

Thank you for always watching.

This work is a beautiful apparel clerk like a magazine model.

Shooting staff is doubled and irresistible than usual

It looks like a good smell with a white mock neck and a white mock neck ('-'*)

This woman, with a nameplate, it was a toco that the real name and panties were open to the whole world (. ・ _ ・)

Due to the daytime on weekdays, there were few people in the store, and my sister was organizing clothes.

This time, it is a tag with those who cooperated in vol.8.

We entered the store separately and searched for the target (^^)

But there is no woman with a good length skirt …

L ● NE 10 minutes to contact each other.
Determined by this older sister (> O <) However, two men who are sick continue to wander around for 10 minutes without doing anything at the trendy apparel shop. Since it was a case in the middle, I did it without much time to aim for a gap (・ ∀ ・) Also, there is a privacy for the collaborators (^^) Even if I found the subject, I did not have a chance to take a picture, and I observed it for a while while pounding. If you find a shelves of the ugly and start folding clothes, you will have a chance! (It is a secret that my sister rolled the shelves as if folded) I decided to signal so that other clerks and customers wouldn't barre, and two people had a total of 5 times ('-'*) The lead is a collaborator. If you look at a chance, you can always cool it down in a strong style that thrusts. I wondered if I would plunge from the bottom and enjoy it myself, He showed the contents of the skirt here with the inkame! This confident peeping act It may be a technology that does not make you think that the other person is peeping (・ ω ・) At first, if there was no good child, I had to agree that if it was a black defense, I would return to haste, I was worried and I was able to keep the white raw P well! After completing the work, we entered the cafe together and checked it high. The data of the collaborator is attached to the privilege (. ・ Ω ・.) * If you cannot play with the media player, please play with the GOM player. *Due to the nature of the product, there is also an early sale end. *We will refuse unauthorized reproduction of this work strictly. There is 1 part of the mosaic There is audio One person 494MB 3:25 Benefits: Following perspective There is audio One person 99.3MB 0:41
