








「チャクラ」とは、古代インド・アーリア語に属する言語で、ここでは主に「ヨガ」「東洋医学」「瞑想」で用いられるものを指します。人体には7つの「チャクラ」があり、それぞれが重要なエネルギーポイントです。これらのエネルギーポイントは東洋医学でいう「気の通り道」であり、第1チャクラ「ムーラダーラ」から第7チャクラ「サハスラーラ」まで、それぞれの特徴を持っています。 これらの特徴を活かしコントロールすることでチャクラを解放し、女性の奥底に潜むオルガズムを呼び覚ますのです。

現在、私のチャクラ解放活動は「サンマルサン」というマッチングサイトの中で小さな産声を上げたばかりですが、今回の「なぎさ様」はそのマッチングサイトで早速私の活動に興味を持ってくださった方です。 私自身、最初はどのようにしてこのような活動を理解してくださる女性を探せばいいのか全くわかりませんでしたが、運良くこのマッチングサイトに出会い、活動を始めることができました。



(Reduction) [Tokyo Chakra Club] Chakra is released and evokes a new life (“Nagiza -sama" from Saint -Malsan)

* This is a product sold on other sites.Please be careful when purchasing duplicate.

It will be “Nagisa -sama" from San Marsan.
The chakra has begun to blossom, “Nagisa -sama", and the good “ki" flow will not be done at all, so we will initialize the five senses with a toy that has been injected without spending time.Stimulate the clitoris through the panties by bare your boobs.She sighs to suppress it from being broken, and she puts her body parallel with Bikunbikun.
Take off your panties, apply jelly to the female genitals, and crawl the toys along the pink streak.She hits a toy while explaining the chakra, but she can’t stop her wavy body during the explanation.
“Please feel the life. Opening the chakra has opened your heart. Now, look back on your life to live a new life."。
“Today, we use the connection of chakra to have the boy who liked it in elementary school ejaculate in the vagina. Please shout your name."
“Ahhhh !!!! Ymm !! Tsuyoshi -kun !! Ahhhh …"。。
“Oh, Iku, Iku … Iku …"
It seems that when Tsuyoshi -kun’s enlarged male organs, he had reached the climax on all fours.
The appearance of feeling a new life in the uterus while making the body bikunbikun was divine, and it was exactly the mystery of a woman.

[What is chakra]
“Chakra" is a language that belongs to ancient Indian and Arylic, which is mainly used in “yoga", “Oriental medicine" and “meditation".There are seven “chakras" in the human body, each of which is an important energy point.These energy points are the “path of energy" in Oriental medicine, and have their own characteristics from the first chakra “Mourdara" to the 7th chakra “Sahaslara".By controlling these characteristics, the chakras are released, and they wake up the organ lurking in the bottom of a woman.

[History of activity]
Currently, my chakra liberation activity has just gained a small birth in a matching site called “Saint -Marsan", but this time “Nagisa -sama" is a person who was immediately interested in my activity on that matching site.。At first, I didn’t know how to find a woman who understands such activities, but I was lucky to meet this matching site and start activities.

File format: mp4
Resolution: 1080 x 1920 (vertical video)
Playback time: 10 minutes 16 seconds
