
婿に抱かれた義母 福山いろは






娘が婿を取り福山家も安泰と思った矢先、夫に先立たれ未亡人になってしまったいろは。夫が築いてきたこの家を守るべく娘にも娘婿にも強く言い聞かせていた。休日、娘は買い物に出かけ、婿はダラダラとゲームをしていた。いろははだらしない婿にお小言が止まらず、次第にヒートアップ。黙って聞いていた婿だったが、怒りと悔しさでいろはを襲ってしまう。驚きで抵抗するいろはだが、荒々しく激しく婿はいろはを攻めていった。気持ちとは裏腹にいろはのカラダは過剰に反応し、婿の肉棒をやすやすと受け入れてしまった。激しくも優しいピストンにいろはの口から吐息が漏れ、婿の発射に合わせるようにいろはも絶頂に達した。そそくさと立ち去る婿。いろはは婿の逞しさを身を持って感じてしまい、カラダの奥から沸き起こる性への欲求に頭が混乱してしまっていた… / 婿に抱かれた義母 福山いろは


My mother -in -law Fukuyama Iroha embraced by my son -in -law

My daughter took the son -in -law and thought that the Fukuyama family was safe, and she became a widow before her husband.He told both his daughter and his son -in -law to protect this house that his husband built.On a holiday, my daughter went shopping, and my son -in -law was playing games with daring.Iroha’s sloppy son -in -law did not stop, and gradually heated up.He was a son -in -law who was listening silently, but attacked Iroha with anger and regret.Iroha who was surprised and resisted, but the son -in -law attacked Iroha.Contrary to his feelings, the Iroha’s body responded excessively and accepted his son -in -law’s cock to be easier.A violent and gentle piston caused a sigh leaked from the mouth of Iroha, and reached the peak of Iroha to match the son -in -law’s launch.A son -in -law who leaves slowly.Iroha’s son -in -law felt the strength of the son -in -law, and his head was confused by the desire for the gender from the back of the body … / My mother -in -law, Fukuyama Iroha.
