
家庭内炎上した近所の奥さん~浮気がバレて家を追い出された不埒妻との精子尽きるまで寝かせてくれない三日三晩骨抜きセックス~ 夏川あゆみ






以前から密かに憧れていたご近所の奥様、歩美さんと自分の部屋で二人きり。思いがけず訪れた夢のようなシチュエーションに男は平静を装うことで精一杯だった。歩美さんは浮気がバレて激怒したご主人に追い出されてしまい行く場所がないという。男は迷わず自分が匿うと提案する。すぐそこにご主人がいる。でもこんなチャンスは二度とない。興奮と背徳感でゾクゾクしている男の心情を読み取ったかのように歩美はそっと体を密着させてきて・・・。束の間の同居生活が幕を開けた。 / 家庭内炎上した近所の奥さん~浮気がバレて家を追い出された不埒妻との精子尽きるまで寝かせてくれない三日三晩骨抜きセックス~ 夏川あゆみ


A wife in the neighborhood that had a home inflammation -cheating was bucky and was driven out of the house.

I am alone in my room with my wife, Ayumi, who has been secretly longing for a long time.The man was able to do his best to pretend to be calm in a dreamy situation that he visited unexpectedly.Ayumi says that there is no place to go because the cheating is driven by the furious husband and the furious husband.The man suggests that he hides himself without hesitation.There is a husband right there.But there is no such chance again.Ayumi gently adhered to her body as if she had read the emotions of a man who was thrilled with excitement and immorality.The living together for a long time began./ Wife in the neighborhood that has been flooded in a home -Cheating is rising and you have been driven out of the house.
