






高校時代の同級生と結婚して25年。盛岡からわざわざ新幹線で撮影のために上京してきた矢吹ひとみさん(50歳)は2人の男子の母でありながら、旦那さん以外の男とのセックス願望が強い相当の好きモノ。五十路とは思えな美肌と適度なむっちり加減にもソソられます。旦那さんには欲情できなくなり相当のセックスレスだそうですが、そこは好きモノらしく旦那の目を盗んではちょくちょく逢瀬を楽しんでたとのこと。インタビュー中も「性欲があり過ぎて我慢できない」「見られるのが好き」「バックで突かれると潮吹いちゃう」・・・等々、あっけらかんと性癖を口にする彼女ですが、しゃぶるのが大好きというように、男優のいきり立ったおち●ちんを見つめおもむろに舐め上げる様子の嬉しそうな顔ったら!プレイ中も終始おねだりワードを連発しながら男優さんのおもてなしプレイに顔を歪めて感じまくるド淫乱パフォーマンスをご覧あれ!それにしても、中出し1発、顔にもう1発頂いてもまだ物足りなさそうなひとみさんの底なしの性欲が・・・凄い。 / 矢吹ひとみ(50)


Hitomi Yabuki (50)

He has been married to his high school classmate for 25 years.Hitomi Yabuki (50 years old), who came to Tokyo for shooting on the Shinkansen from Morioka, is a favorite thing that has a strong desire to have sex with a man other than her husband, despite being the mother of two boys.It is also a beautiful skin that seems to be fifty and moderate.It seems that her husband can not be lustful and has a considerable sexlessness, but he said that he enjoyed Aise often by stealing his husband’s eyes like a favorite thing.During the interview, she has too much sexual desire and can’t stand it, she likes to be seen, and she’s a good habit, but she loves sucking.Like, the actor’s fast -standing eagle ● If you look at the chin and lick it up, you will be happy!Look at the nasty performance that distorts your face in the actor’s hospitality play while making a series of words and repeating words during play!Even so, one vaginal cum shot, Hitomi’s bottom libido, who seems to be unsatisfactory even if it is one more on the face, is amazing./ Hitomi Yabuki (50)

Hitomi Yabuki(50)

他已经与高中同学结婚了25年。Hitomi Yabuki(50岁)是从Morioka到东京在Shinkansen拍摄的,是最喜欢的事情,尽管是两个男孩的母亲,但仍强烈希望与丈夫以外的男人发生性关系。它也是一种美丽的皮肤,似乎是五十只和温和的。看来她的丈夫不能淫荡,并且具有相当大的性爱,但他说,他经常喜欢艾斯(Aise),因为他的丈夫的眼睛像最喜欢的东西一样。在采访中,她有太多的性欲,无法忍受,她喜欢被看见,她是一个好习惯,但她喜欢吮吸。舔它,你会快乐的!看看在演员的热情好客演奏中扭曲您的脸的令人讨厌的表演,同时说出一系列单词并在播放过程中重复单词!即便如此,一个阴道的暨射击,即即使在脸上的底部,他似乎并不令人满意,但它似乎并不令人满意。/ hitomi Yabuki(50)
