
新妻と義父の一週間の淡い思い出 通野未帆



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新入荷 近 中出し 人妻 義父 ドラマ HD(ハイビジョン)

田舎の夫の実家に帰ってきた未帆。今年は実家で義母の初盆であった。久しぶりに会う義父は少し疲れた顔をしてほんのり寂しそうに見えた。しかし息子夫婦に逞しく1人男としてがって見せた。そんな義父の様子が都会なれした夫はと違う男らしさと時より見せる寂しさが心にグッときてしまう未帆。そんなある日の事、元気つける為に花火をしようと提案した夫。死んだ妻の浴衣を着て花火をする姿がモロに亡き妻の姿と重なり気が付けば涙を流し未帆に抱きついてしまう義父。もう止まらない感情に義父は未帆と性行に走ってしまう。しかしその性行為は夫とは違う、義父の元妻に対しての愛を感じてしまった美帆はこの盆休みの一週間の間だけと覚悟を決め夫にうりそめたさを感じつつも義父との性行に歯止めが効かない・・・ / 新妻と義父の一週間の淡い思い出 通野未帆


One week’s pale memories of his new wife and father -in -law Miho Tono

Miho returns to her husband’s parents’ home.This year was my mother -in -law’s first tray at my parents’ house.My father -in -law, who met for the first time in a long time, looked a little tired and seemed to be a bit lonely.However, he showed his son and his wife as one man.The husband who has become an urban area of ​​such a father -in -law is a unusual man who has a different masculinity and the loneliness that he shows more time.One day, my husband suggested to do fireworks to get well.A father -in -law who shed tears and hugged him if he noticed that his dead wife’s yukata and fireworks overlapped with his dead wife.My father -in -law runs out of sex with emotions that can no longer stop.However, the sexual activity is different from her husband, and Miho feels the love of her father -in -law’s ex -wife, but she decides only for a week during the Bon Holiday, and feels like her husband.The sexuality of the sex is not effective … / The pale memories of the weekly wife and my father -in -law Miho Tono

一周对他的新妻子和父亲的苍白回忆 –

Miho返回丈夫父母的家。今年是我的母亲 – 劳(Law)在我父母家中的第一个托盘。我的父亲-In -law很长一段时间以来第一次见面,看上去有点累,似乎有些孤独。但是,他向儿子和妻子展示了一个男人。已经成为这样一个父亲的城市地区的丈夫是一个不寻常的人,他的阳刚之气和孤独感不同,他表现出了更多的时间。有一天,我丈夫建议做烟花以变得健康。一个父亲 – 流透的父亲,如果他注意到死去的妻子的Yukata和烟花与死去的妻子重叠,他流泪并拥抱了他。我的父亲-in-劳德(Law -law)用不再停止的情绪用尽了性。但是,性活动与她的丈夫不同,米霍(Miho)感觉到她父亲的爱 – 劳德(Law)的前妻,但她在邦假期中只决定一个星期,就像她的丈夫一样。无效… /每周妻子和我父亲的苍白回忆 – law miho tono

