
帰ってきた龍馬 第2巻





龍馬 自己啓発 イノベーション ベンチャー 産業



Ryoma Volume 2 is back

On the eve of the Meiji Restoration, he suddenly disappeared from Omiya, and for 140 years, Ryoma, who came back in Kyoto, took a venture solar and electric vehicle developed by Matsushige and strolled in the fresh green city after a long absence.There was a greatly transformed Nippon figure."Ryoma who came back" muttered, saying, “Nippon once again and the weather."
Nippon, which was modernized from Edo to the Meiji era, was the first industry, secondary, third industry defined by Clark in the 17th century, and later defined by Clark.However, Ryoma’s “Kaiy Corps" has now changed its Japan significantly, exports by mass logistics by jumbo aircraft and huge tankers, while the development of ICT, to the back of the earth 24 hours a day.It is instantly networked.
Petti & Clark advocated the first, second and third industries, one village, one town, and one nation’s industries, but the Ryoma returned is modern.He tweeted that a large amount of logistics flies around the world, which is the “fourth industry."Also, 24 hours a day in the Earth Network, world -global stock prices, futures investments such as soybeans, gold, and oil in the world, and the world’s global financial industry, such as funds.It was an industry.
In addition, “Ryoma returned" is an industry for the symbiosis of future people and the earth, that is, the extinction of global warming, the extinction of living things, the nursing care for the elderly in the world, and childcare for babies and children around the world.He listened to the industries related to life, such as education, as the “tortoise industry."
Ryoma returned to the world, which should lead to the world, as the next generation of science and technology industry, which should lead to the world.
And “Ryoma who is back" proposes to the boys in Nippon as “Shonen, become a venture!" And the next -generation boys are “the 0th industries for the coexistence of people and the earth.With the support of “universities and corporate researchers", in small villages from Hokkaido to Okinawa, Nippon’s wonderful resources, “river", “forest", “sea", and there.We plan to establish a “science and technology innovation valley" that makes use of living “living things".
