
玲奈さん 28歳 港区のIT通販メーカー勤務。仕事を通じて知り合った男性と結婚。独身時代に付き合った経験が少ないお嬢様系清楚人妻。安定した生活の中に突如発生したセックスチャンスに乗った可愛い若妻!!






港区に勤務するおしゃれで洗練された人妻OLをナンパ!夕方ビジネスビルの前で張り、白いスカートで脚が綺麗な女性が出てきたところを声掛け!ナンパ師は人妻だと確認すると自分の魅力を武器に陽気に会話を繋ぎ人妻OLを笑わせ好奇心を刺激します!「帰って食事の準備をするんで」と引き気味の人妻OLに帰宅前に少しだけとお茶に誘う。時間潰しで話に付き合うだけと思っていた人妻OLに家庭や生活の事を聞く!名前は玲奈さん。話を聞いてもらってさうっくりしたのか次第に心を許し、開き、開放的になっていく。夫は束縛するタイプで家庭以外の時間では電話やメールで逐一状況を連絡しなくてはいけないらしく息が抜けないんだと言う。すこしそれに疲れているように見える玲奈さんをラブホテルに誘う。微妙な表情だけど行くだけならOKという事でとにかく連れ込み成功。ホテルに入って軽くアルコールを入れてリラックス!ラブホに来たけど身体までは許さないという雰囲気を突破します。ますはキスで攻める!清楚系だけに上品に抵抗するけどスカートだから中に手を入れやすいのでワイルドに攻略wちょっと強引に手マンでどんどん気持ちよくさせちゃいます!そうすると気持ちが反転!情熱的なキスに変化・・堕ちました!不満はない筈の環境には落とし穴はある。人妻だってドキドキしたい事好きに決まってます!!玲奈さんは程よい筋肉質な柔らかい美肌!お尻がプリッと上がっていて男好きするエロい身体ですがセックスはまだ未熟!未経験であろう体位を次々と繰り出す手錬ナンパ師!立ちバックや片足上げ対面立位などした事のないセックスをさせられエロ覚醒してしまった玲奈さん。正常位でナンパ師の垂らすヨダレを舌を出して迎える発情妻になってしまいました!そして何度もメスイキ!一回逝ったら何度もキスをして求めてくる・・夫からは与えて貰えなかった快楽で我を忘れてしまっているようです!会ったばかりの男とパンティずらしハメで濡れパン・・それを履いて夫の元に帰宅する玲奈さん!エロい! / 玲奈さん 28歳 港区のIT通販メーカー勤務。仕事を通じて知り合った男性と結婚。独身時代に付き合った経験が少ないお嬢様系清楚人妻。安定した生活の中に突如発生したセックスチャンスに乗った可愛い若妻!!


Rena 28 years old IT mail -order manufacturer in Minato Ward.She married a man she met through work.A young lady neat wife who has little experience dating in her single age.A cute young wife on a sudden sex chance in a stable life!!

Pick up a fashionable and sophisticated married woman OL working in Minato Ward!In front of the evening business building, call out where a woman with beautiful legs appeared in a white skirt!If you make sure that Nampa is a married woman, it will connect the conversation with your own charm as a weapon and laugh and stimulate curiosity!"Let’s go home and prepare for a meal."Ask a married woman OL who thought that he would just talk to the story of time crushing about his home and life!The name is Reina.After listening to the story, I gradually forgive my heart, open, and become open.Her husband says that she has to contact the situation by telephone or email at a time other than home.Invite Rena, who looks a little tired, to a love hotel.It is a subtle expression, but if you just go, it is OK and you succeeded.Enter the hotel and put alcohol lightly and relax!It breaks through the atmosphere that I came to Love Ho but I wouldn’t forgive my body.Masu attacks with a kiss!It resists elegantly only because of the neat system, but it is easy to put your hand inside because it is a skirt, so it will be a little forced by hand man!Then your feelings will be reversed!Changed to a passionate kiss … it has fallen!There are pitfalls in the environment where there should be no dissatisfaction.Even a married woman is decided to like what she wants to be!!Reina is a moderately muscular and soft skin!The ass is rising and it is an erotic body that I like, but sex is still immature!Hand -bleaching pick -ups that will repeat the position that will be inexperienced one after another!Rena who has become erotic and has sex without having a standing back or raising one leg.I became an estrus wife who greeted her tongue with her tongue out of her tongue in the missionary position!And many times Mesiki!If you die once, you will kiss many times and ask … It seems that you have forgotten me with the pleasure that my husband did not give!Rena who just met a man who has just met and gets wet bread with panties shifted.Erotic!/ Reina 28 years old I work for IT mail order manufacturers in Minato Ward.Married a man he met through work.A young lady neat wife who has little experience dating in her single age.A cute young wife on a sudden sex chance in a stable life!!
