
初撮り人妻ドキュメント 松岡三奈 四十歳






「優しさだけじゃ物足りないって我がままですか?」松岡三奈さん40歳。普段は会社事務として働く一児の母。結婚15年目を迎えた今でも夫婦関係は良好で子育ても順調。満ち足りた生活と言っても過言ではないが夜の生活にだけは不満が。家族思いで優しいご主人との愛あるセックスは、理性をかなぐり捨てて欲望を剥き出しでぶつけ合うようなまぐわいを求めている三奈さんにはとても満足できるものではなく・・・。物足りなさを心に秘めたまま欲求不満は極限状態に。「頭が真っ白になるまで責めまくってください」15年ものあいだ優しいセックスしか体験してこなかった奥様が、野獣系濃厚セックスに身も心も溺れていく様をご覧ください。 / 初撮り人妻ドキュメント 松岡三奈 四十歳


First Shooting Married Woman Document Matsuoka Mina 40 years old

“Is it myself that the kindness is not enough?" Mina Matsuoka is 40 years old.She is a mother of one child who usually works as a company office.Even after the 15th year of marriage, the marital relationship is good and child -rearing is going well.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a satisfying life, but I am dissatisfied only with the night life.A loving sex with your husband who is kind and gentle with your family is not very satisfying for Mina, who is looking for a magui who wants to strip his desires and hit each other.The frustration is in the extreme state while keeping the unsatisfactory in my heart."Please blame until your head is pure white." Wife who has only experienced gentle sex for 15 years, please see that your body and mind are drowning in the rich sex of the beast./ First Shooting Married Woman Document Mina Matsuoka 40 years old
